The band was formed around October of 2001 as Joe and Steve began to jam. They soon discovered that they couldn't play many songs at all due to their uncanny ability to SUCK. But, they could manage to play Blink 182's "Dammit", so they took to rewriting the lyrics and turned the song into the masterpiece "Leahy Sux".
Unknown to many, before they created "Leahy Sux," the band actually "jammed" on a cover of the church bell chymes, which invaded their dorm every fifteen minutes, from the nearby church. The song was named, appropriately, "Church Bells" and is left hidden away from the world as an embarassment to the band.

the band almost makes their first public appearance
After recording "Leahy Sux", the band went on to record a totally original song called "Where Are My Pants?" The song was based on a true story about Jon Tomaszewski (AKA DJ Jon ET). One day he came home drunk, and the next day he couldn't find his pants. Where could they be? Listen to the song and you'll find out!
At the same time they recorded "Where Are My Pants?", the band decided to write a little rap song about our friend, and yours, Matt Kelly. Steve layed down the bass line and Joe and Jon rapped on. If you ask Steve, it's unfortunate that the only recording of this song no longer exists. If you ask Joe and Jon, it's quite fortunate.
The band took a break for quite a while as they each honed their respective skills. Steve began learning real chords and moved on to an acoustic guitar as well. Meanwhile, Joe took to learning more power chords.

the band jamming in Joe's room
In 2002, while they were hanging out, Steve showed Joe a little rhythmn he made up that sounded very "country." Mocking Steve, Joe began making up lyrics to the song and eventually this song turned into the Offending Stephen "Hoe Down!". It's a great mix of Steve's "hick" rhythmn with Joe's electric riffs thrown in.
Next up was their song "Naked Monica" which was also inspired by a real life story. One day, Monica's pipes froze in her house and she had nowhere to shower. Steve quickly jumped on this opportunity and invited the young lass to strip down nake.. ahem... bathe in his shower. He soon took to immortalizing the experience in song by putting words to a melody he had previously written. He wrote a second part for Joe to play along with and the rest is history.
Steve dipped back into his bag of tricks and wrote another song that sounded somewhat like classic rock, especially Tom Petty. Joe concocted an amazing story for the song about a river. But what deep dark evil secret does the river hold?
Currently the band has other projects in the works including the "Connecticut Song".