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December 12, 2011

One-Shot At Greatness #89 Daredevil 2099

Filed under: One-Shot At Greatness — Doorman @ 9:20 am

Because publishers want you to buy their product every month, comics are typically serial in nature. However, occasionally (and more often nowadays than ever before) publishers launch a comic title that is only meant to last for one issue. While ongoing series often have multiple chances to hook in new readers, the comics highlighted in this ongoing investigations only had One-Shot At Greatness!

Daredevil 2099 #1Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Date: November 2004
Cover Price: $2.99
Writer: Robert Kirkman
Artist: Karl Moline

This is one of several one-shots that envisions what the Marvel Knights relaunches would have been like if they were published in 2099. In this future version of the Marvel Universe, the government re-enacted the Mutant Registration Act. The super-heroes joined together to defy the government but were eventually overpowered and went underground.

*Warning! Plot Spoilers Below*

Samuel Fisk was raised in the shadow of greatness. His father would often remind Samuel that his grandfather achieved his goals by destroying his greatest enemy, Daredevil. In a bid to make up for his family’s crimes, Samuel has devoted his time and money to crime-fighting, now that he’s a grown man. As a testament to his guilt, he’s taken up the mantle of Daredevil and used his money to devise a powerful suit that amplifies his strength.

Unfortunately, his pursuit of crime-fighting has taken time away from his business and his family. On a slow night, Samuel decides to follow his wife and discovers that she’s sought attention from a suitor more willing to give it. And, it’s with this revelation that we discover Samuel’s days are spent as the Kingpin of Crime. His wife’s suitor is about to find out that he’s every bit as ruthless as his grandfather was.

Robert Kirkman (better known for writing/creating the Walking Dead) has created a truly interesting new take on the Daredevil mythos. And, the twist at the end has me wanting more! This story begs to be followed up on – how can one man balance being the Kingpin of Crime and a crime-fighter? How, Robert? How?!

On Ebay: Daredevil | Robert Kirkman | Karl Moline
On AtomicAvenue: Daredevil

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