Here’s a look back at the current comics aftermarket.
Number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section: 3,198,998 (+7.77% from last month; +13.13% from last year; +82.01% from 5 years ago)
Number of those that are Cyberspace Comics listings: 90,206 (+4.26%; +13.85%; +1,421.95%)
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay: 2.82% (-3.10%; +0.71%; +736.20%)
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions: 183,154 (+9.84%; -5.11%; +62.21%)
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction: 5.73% (+1.87%; +30.42%; -10.82%)

Total Cyberspace Comics listings in eBay’s “comics” section
My current eBay feedback (unique): 41,866
My current eBay feedback (total): 79,590
My positive eBay feedback score: 99.8%
Position | Dollar Sales | # of Current Listings |
First | Marvel Comics | Marvel Comics (19,935 listings) |
Second | DC Comics (↑) | DC Comics (13,745 listings) |
Third | Clearance (↓) | Other Indies (8,143 listings) |
Fourth | Other Indies | Image Comics (6,882 listings) |
Fifth | Marvel (Bronze) | Clearance (3,769 listings) |
Number of listings on Atomic Avenue: 1,199,122 (+2.50%; -11.72%)
Number of those that are in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue: 84,627 (+2.76%; +17.71%)
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue: 7.06% (+0.25%; +33.41%)
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders: 7.59% (+19.72%; +43.48%)
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue: 214,780 (+0.88%; +4.12%)
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue: 39.40% (+1.87%; +13.05%)

Total Cyberspace Comics listings on Atomic Avenue
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive: 108,143 (+2.17%; +10.79%)
Number of listings in Amazon’s Entertainment Collectibles – Comic Book section: 126,388 (+4.09%)
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics Amazon store: 77,399 (+2.56%)
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Amazon: 61.24% (-1.47%)