After looking at hundreds of comic book covers, it becomes quickly apparent that not every cover is 100% original. Whether done intentionally or even underhandedly, there’s something about uncovering these “swipes” that adds a new element of fun to reading and collecting comics.
Marvel Comics’s Civil War split its super-hero community down the middle. It made them choose between registering their superpowers and identities with the U.S. government, or becoming an enemy of the state by keeping that information to themselves. On the one side, were the Mighty Avengers – pro-SHRA (Super Human Registration Act) heroes led by Iron Man. Opposing the SHRA were the New Avengers (or Secret Avengers) who rallied around Captain America and stood by their belief that the government had no right to pry that far into their lives.
The comic shown here features a secret meeting that took place between Iron Man and Captain America, where they discussed the legality and morality of the SHRA. Over the course of the issue, the debate heats up and turns into a fight between the two long-time Avengers. The book was published with two variant covers, each featuring a different potential outcome of the battle.
![]() Civil War: Casualties of War February 2007 Jim Cheung |
![]() Civil War: Casualties of War [variant] February 2007 Jim Cheung |
The cover on the right will flip horizontally to better show you how close the two images are.
On Ebay: Civil War | Captain America | Iron Man