Because publishers want you to buy their product every month, comics are typically serial in nature. However, occasionally (and more often nowadays than ever before) publishers launch a comic title that is only meant to last for one issue. While ongoing series often have multiple chances to hook in new readers, the comics highlighted in this ongoing investigations only had One-Shot At Greatness!
Publisher: Amalgam Comics
Cover Date: April 1996
Cover Price: $1.95
Writer: John Ostrander
Artist: Gary Frank
When the DC and Marvel Universes merged in Marvel vs DC, a new one was created: the Amalgam Universe. This one-shot teams Wonder Woman with the Punisher in a battle for the life of their son.
How do you bring the separated couple of Diana Prince and Trevor Castle back together again? Kidnap their infant son, Ryan. And, that’s exactly what Thanoseid does in an effort to blackmail them into telling him where the all-powerful Infinity Links can be found. But, before they can face off against Thanoseid, they must fight their way through his minions in Armaghetto, including Big Titania, Granny Harkness, Monarch, and the Female Furies. Once they get to him, Thanoseid ends up destroying the young boy … but, will this bring the couple together once again or drive them apart forever?
While Gary Frank‘s art here is sleek and great to look at, I was initially unsure of who the main two characters were amalgamations of. Because of that, the Punisher seemed like an odd match-up against a combination of Thanos and Darkseid. Once it was revealed who Frank Castle was combined with, Thanoseid’s motivation and true evil plan made a lot more sense (although it still doesn’t explain his first name, Trevor – unless it’s a reference to Wonder Woman’s beau). But, even with the revelation, the story still didn’t really draw me in and the ending didn’t do much to make me wish for more.

On Ebay: Amalgam | John Ostrander | Gary Frank | Punisher | Wonder Woman
On AtomicAvenue: Amalgam Comics