With years spent reading single issues here and there, juggling storylines of dozens of titles, I decided it was time to find a better way to read comics. So, it was off to the back issue bins armed with the longest want list you’ve ever seen! Putting together series after series and reading them in their complete goodness, I was reborn as the Retro-Reader!
Publisher: Idea and Design Works
Number of Issues: 5
First Issue: March 2008 ($3.99)
Last Issue: July 2008 ($3.99)
Writer: Brian Lynch
Artist: Dave Crosland
Westerberg and his Beta Eta Delta frat brothers are throwing a Halloween party … perhaps the last party, unbeknownst to them. The drama starts up when his ex-girlfriend (who he still holds a candle for), Aurora, shows up and then kicks into high gear when a rival frat, the Omegas, shows up to start a fight. Largely outnumbered, the Deltas are saved by their brother Mosby, who wards the Omegas off with a pistol (it’s actually Megatron in his weapon form – but who can see clearly at night, right?)! Needless to say, the threat of a weapon drove most of the partiers away and left the boys alone to a quiet night.
When the brothers wake up the next morning, they discover that the world’s population has been turned to zombies! Everyone, that is, except for those who stayed at their house last night. The brothers have to fight to stay alive now … but the zombie Omegas aren’t going to make that easy. Even after being zombie-ized, they still hold a grudge over the Deltas stealing their frat-house … but now they want to eat the Deltas’ brains, too! On the plus side: what better way to win back your ex-girlfriend than by surviving a zombie invasion together?
The Bad: Crosland’s art is certainly unique and I’ve enjoyed it in other titles … I’m just not sure he was the best pick for this story. The other downside I found here was that there wasn’t one strong main character that captured my interest. Even Westerberg, who seems to be the main focus, is kind of wussy and his gf/exgf clearly wears the pants.
the Good: The zombie invasion story’s been done hundreds of times by now so it was fun to see it against the backdrop of a college fraternity “war”. Plus, I imagine that this was the first story to spotlight the consequences of a stoned zombie with the munchies.
The Verdict: The art is quirky (which fits the storyline) and may not appeal to all readers but the story is an adventurous romp that uses humor and fun situations to play down the horror aspect of a zombie invasion. I wouldn’t run out to read a sequel but, then again, I’m not upset that I read through this one. The tagline on the front cover is what convinced me to give it a try: They’re the last people on Earth who should be the last people on Earth! How can you turn down a line like that?

On Ebay: Brian Lynch | Dave Crosland