Marvel Comics Presents launched in 1988 as an ad-free anthology showcasing four eight-page features, stuffed inside a wrap-around cover. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!

Cover Date: Late September 1989 | Cover Price: $1.25 | Cover Artist: Marc Silvestri
Havok in “Pharaoh’s Legacy” part 5 written by Howard Mackie art by Rich Buckler Havok is quickly overcome and is made to do battle with a cadre of Trackers in the arena. As the fight continues, Havok discovers that the Trackers are absorbing the energy from his plasma blasts. He overpowers all of the them, save one who claims to be the only true descendent of the Pharaoh. Havok unleashes a final blast against the last Tracker, a female, now empowered by Havok’s energy and calling herself Plasma – the rightful descendent of the Living Pharaoh! |
Black Panther in “Panther’s Quest” part 16 written by Don McGregor art by Gene Colan As the riot in the village continues between the “Fathers” and the invading “Comrads”, the Black Panther attends to Theodore Olebogeng, the young boy who has just been badly burned. He attends to the boy and explains to his brother that he will bring him to the nearest hospital. Even though it is a “white hospital” he intends to see that the boy gets treatment. Across a great distance, the battle-wounded Panther carries the boy to his sonar glider. And, after a quick stop to pick up Zanti Chikane, they arrive at the hospital where the Black Panther forces them to attend the boy. Unfortunately, his wounds were too severe – but the Panther makes a profound statement about the doctors there who won’t (or aren’t able) to treat patients because of their skin color. |
Coldblood in “Rise and Shine” part 3 written by Doug Moench art by Paul Gulacy As Coldblood-7 makes his way through the complex, the mystery woman’s voice continues to guide him. Finally, he meets up with her and she reveals that she is the one who performed the cybernetic surgery on him and that his name is Eric. She remarks that his personal memory was intentionally removed but there is a way he can get it back by inputting his personal history data into his internal computer. However, it should be noted that while he’ll then have the facts about his past, he still won’t have any of the emotional attachments to it. At his request, the procedure is done and the woman also removes the internal blocks that kept him outside the wall, last issue. She demands that he leave the complex before Mako finds him there. Coldblood’s computer divulges her name is Gina Dyson as he makes his escape. |
Triton in “Giving Peace A Chance” written by Robert Campanella art by Javier Saltares In a reflective retreat in the oceans of the Moon, Triton finds himself under attack from a moon sea monster! All he wanted was a peaceful trip to get away from all the violence in his life, but he won’t find that today. Especially when this sea creature intends to have him for lunch. |
The Triton story was pretty bland, although it does suggest that Roxxon Chemical Corp. has performed some wrong-doings on the moon – leading to mutated sea creatures. The Colblood story seems to be moving at a very fast pace – a polar opposite to the Black Panther’s slow build.
On Ebay: Marvel Comics Presents | Havok | Black Panther | Coldblood | Inhumans
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Comics Presents | Black Panther | Mutant X (aka Havok) | Inhumans