Marvel Comics Presents launched in 1988 as an ad-free anthology showcasing four eight-page features, stuffed inside a wrap-around cover. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!

Cover Date: Late December 1989 | Cover Price: $1.25 | Cover Artist: Paul Smith
Excalibur in “Having A Wild Weekend” part 4 written by Michael Higgins art by Erik Larsen Meggan awakes to find herself trapped in an episode of the Munsters. But, when she manages to break free, the Loonies realize that something has gone wrong – someone’s messing things up with their system, allowing Excalibur to free themselves of their prisons. Of course, we know from last issue, that someone is Kitty Pryde. |
Black Panther in “Panther’s Quest” part 22 written by Don McGregor art by Gene Colan Zanti Chikane, wounded from last issue’s gunfire, struggles to his feet as the Black Panther gets the sonar glider off the ground. The Panther circles the glider around to rescue Zanti and they fly off to his village. The friends part ways: Zanti returns to his village, wife and family; the Panther ventures off to Devil’s Peak to find his mother. |
Coldblood in “Rise and Shine” part 9 written by Doug Moench art by Paul Gulacy Against his internal computer’s advice, Coldblood-7 decides to trust Gina (assuming she’s not a Mako-controlled robotic imposter) and the duo decide to take down Mako’s city by destroying its power station. They cut the power, leaving Mako with no computerized defenses (no more robot assassins) so Coldblood leaves Gina behind as he makes his way to the Library, Mako’s control center. |
Captain America in “Past and Present Sins“ written by Sholly Fisch art by Jack Sparling Golden-Age super-hero, the Thin Man (of the Liberty Legion), tips off Captain America that an old Nazi war-criminal, Agent Axis, was smuggled into the U.S.A. and is now living in Queens, New York. The Thin Man discovered that his beloved land of Kalahia was destroyed, along with its people, by Agent Axis after the war. With vengeance in his heart, the Thin Man kills the Nazi war criminal in cold blood, as Captain America looks on in complete surprise and disgust! |
Wow! This Erik Larsen artwork is so fun to look at! It seems much more lovingly embellished than even his recent stylings on Savage Dragon. The Captain America short took an unexpected turn. At first, it looked like two, feeble senior citizens wrestling – and then it quickly turned into a murder scene. The most interesting part of the story is the wide array of emotions that the death stirs within the Star-Spangled Avenger.
On Ebay: Marvel Comics Presents | Black Panther | Coldblood | Excalibur | Captain America
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Comics Presents | Black Panther | Excalibur | Captain America