Marvel Comics Presents launched in 1988 as an ad-free anthology showcasing four eight-page features, stuffed inside a wrap-around cover. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!

Cover Date: December 1989 | Cover Price: $1.25 | Cover Artist: Bill Sienkiewicz
Excalibur in “Having A Wild Weekend” part 6 written by Michael Higgins art by Erik Larsen Phoenix finds herself locked in a world of nothing but fire and flames. And, after a vision of the future-version of Kitty Pryde, she then finds herself in complete darkness. Outside the prisons, Kitty Pryde has reprogrammed one of the Loonies (Sylvester) to free her friend, Phoenix. By the end, nearly all of Excalibur has been freed – all but Captain Britain! |
Black Panther in “Panther’s Quest” part 24 written by Don McGregor art by Gene Colan With his ankle caught in a trap, the Black Panther is easy prey for Pretorius’ advancing attack dog. The Panther frees himself just as the doberman jumps him. But, the animal is no match for the Warrior King of Wakanda. Advancing on the mansion where his mother is being held, the Panther must now fight his way through Gore, the mercenary. |
Hellcat in “Encounter In The Alley Of Death“ written by Jack Harris art by June Brigman Hellcat stumbles upon some thugs threatening a woman but, she isn’t able to prevent them from shooting her and running away. As she tends to the woman in her dying moments, Hellcat discovers that she was an undercover cop. She uses the cop’s received to lead her back to a pharmaceutical company where Dr. Bartley is developing profitable varieties of street drugs. With her athletic prowess, Hellcat is able to avenge the cop’s death and shut down the drug lab. |
The Excalibur and Hellcat features were very bland, this issue I was quite disappointed by the Bill Sienkiewicz cover (and it’s not because I’m not a fan of his work, either). Black Panther’s feature was double-length this time and chock full of action!
On Ebay: Marvel Comics Presents | Black Panther | Hellcat | Excalibur
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Comics Presents | Black Panther | Hellcat | Excalibur