Because publishers want you to buy their product every month, comics are typically serial in nature. However, occasionally (and more often nowadays than ever before) publishers launch a comic title that is only meant to last for one issue. While ongoing series often have multiple chances to hook in new readers, the comics highlighted in this ongoing investigations only had One-Shot At Greatness!
Publisher: Amalgam Comics
Cover Date: June 1997
Cover Price: $1.95
Writer: Alan Grant
Artist: Val Semeiks
When the DC and Marvel Universes merged in Marvel vs DC, a new one was created: the Amalgam Universe. This one-shot combined Howard the Duck with Lobo.
Lobo the Duck has been hired to take down the ultimate supreme unknown villain that has destroyed Manhattan. And, on his way to find his bounty, he comes across another bountyhunter (Ambush the Lunatik) looking for the same prey, a jealous ex-lover (Bevarlene) and old companions (Jonas Turnip, Gamorola & Billie the Millie) who know the villain’s identity! Unfortunately, they’re distracted before they can spill the beans. Crazily enough, the identity of the unknown villain is locked away within Lobo’s brain! And, he manages to intimidate himself enough to give it up … it’s Gold Kidney-Lady. And, now that he knows who he’s after, he takes her down easily … but not before her deadly Gravitoninoutometer has been activated, pulling the Moon towards the Earth for a deadly collision!
I know it’s nit-picky but, I don’t like my one-shots to end with “to be continued”. And, yes, the point of these Amalgam one-shots was to make them look like the first issue in an ongoing series … but still! Give me a conclusion, people! Anywho, Semeiks’ artwork is wonderfully cartoony and kooky. It’s super-busy and very fun to look at. Alan Grant’s story is very irreverent and follows no real logical path. It’s absolutely unhinged and couldn’t follow a straight line to save its own life. But, that’s what’s fun about it.. This one’s for you if you’re into kooky, krazy komix!

On Ebay: Amalgam | Alan Grant | Val Semeiks
On AtomicAvenue: Amalgam Comics