Marvel Two-In-One launched in 1974, teaming the Thing with a different hero each month. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Date: September 1974
Cover Price: 25ยข
Writer: Steve Gerber
Artist: Sal Buscema
WHO stars in this issue?
the Thing – Benjamin J. Grimm was bombarded by cosmic rays in a space exploration flight, alongside three friends. The cosmic rays gave each of them different powers, and they formed the Fantastic Four. Ben underwent the most physical change of the foursome: his skin mutated into orange rock and, as a result, he gained super-strength.
Captain America – Steve Rogers was give the experimental Super Soldier Serum that turned him into the star-spangled war hero of World War II. After the war, he was frozen in suspended animation and later revived in the modern era.
Guardians of the Galaxy – lone survivors of four lost worlds pledged to destroy the Badoon. Major Vance Astro: a psychokinetic of Earth. Charlie-27: super-strong last survivor of Earth’s Jupiter colony. Yondu: the master of weaponry from Earth-colonized Centauri-IV. Martinex: the crystal man from Earth’s Plutonian colony.
WHAT happens?
After their capture last issue, the Thing, Captain America and Sharon Carter are brought before Drang – the Badoon sovereign of New York City. When the Thing comes to, our heroes manage to slip loose from their captivity and battle their way out of the Badoon capitol building. They stick to the shadows, hoping to find the pocket of human resistance they heard about.

Meanwhile, Tarin has sought out Zakkor, the leader of the resistance, with the intention of rallying humanity against the Badoon now that there can be renewed hope, with Captain America’s presence in their city. Zakkor summons the Guardians of the Galaxy from Earth’s orbit – and they join forces with the Thing, Cap and Sharon against the Brotherhood of the Badoon. With high hopes and the extra help, the Badoon of New York are soundly defeated.
Our heroes are transported back to their original time, leaving the New Yorkers of 3014 A.D. and the Guardians of the Galaxy with the belief that the Badoon can eventually be driven from the entire Earth now that they’ve achieved victory in New York.

WHERE does the story take place?
New York City – of the 31st century!
WHEN do the Badoon next appear?
The Badoon next appear in a multi-issue story arc from Defenders #26-29 (as well as Giant-Size Defenders #5), which also guest-stars the Guardians of the Galaxy.
WHY are the Guardians of the Galxy the guest-lead?
As revealed in last issue’s notice, Marvel was engineering a revival of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Their first (and last) appearance was in Marvel Super-Heroes #18, which was published five years prior in 1969. This is their second appearance and the Guardians showed up in the afore-mentioned Defenders storyline less than a year later. That same year, their first appearance was reprinted in Astonishing Tales #29 (cover date: July 1975). And, beginning in Marvel Feature #3 (cover date: February 1976), the Guardians of the Galaxy got their own lead feature – which lasted until the title was canceled at #12.

HOW was it?
There was certainly a lot of action to be had as the Thing, Cap and Sharon first busted out of the Badoon capitol building – and then back in with the aid of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Gerber provided a brief summary of the Guardians that filled us in on the important facts and provided further insight into Major Astro’s origins. However, there wasn’t much that would have convinced me to pick up a Guardians solo title, if I had been reading at this time. Nor was there much in the way of characterization for the Thing or Captain America. So, let’s take it for what it is: a huge action, adventure story. And, to that end, it served its purposes well.

Note: This issue’s letters column features commentary on Marvel Two-In-One #3. Additionally, this comic includes Marvel Value Stamp #93 (Silver Surfer).
On Ebay: Marvel Two-In-One | the Thing | Captain America | Guardians of the Galaxy
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Two-In-One | the Thing | Captain America | Guardians of the Galaxy
[…] This issue’s letters column features commentary on Marvel Two-In-One #5. Additionally, this comic includes Marvel Value Stamp #45 […]
Pingback by Marvel Two-In-One #7 | Aggressive Comix — May 18, 2012 @ 6:37 am
[…] #18. At first, the concept wasn’t a smash hit – in fact, their next appearance was in Marvel Two-In-One #5 which was published five years […]
Pingback by Swiped! #119 Guardians of the Galaxy | Aggressive Comix — July 10, 2012 @ 9:23 am