Marvel Comics Presents launched in 1988 as an ad-free anthology showcasing four eight-page features, stuffed inside a wrap-around cover. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!

Cover Date: 1990 | Cover Price: $1.25 | Cover Artist: Kieron Dwyer
Wolverine in “On The Road” part 7 written by Michael Higgins art by Dave Ross After a brief tussle between Wolverine and Mimic, the three (Hulk being the third) of them all get on the same page and hitch a ride with the people from the beginning of this story. Once they arrive in Seattle, the Hulk loses it. He hops on top of the Space Needle to start his rampage. |
Poison in “Vandals of the Heart” part 1 written by Steve Gerber art by Cindy Martin A man called Trinity Joe is playing vigilante in the city. Tonight he has killed two men who were torturing a stray dog. Afterwards, he calls his ex-wife, Sally, to tell her about it. She isn’t happy to hear from him – she threatens to tell Dallas he has called, and then she hangs up. Poison calls upon Joe to explain about Sally and Dallas but he shrugs her off. Poison won’t just let this lay since she senses an inner strength within him that piques her interest. |
Scarlet Witch in “Separate Lives” part 1 written by Richard Howell art by Richard Howell The Scarlet Witch has traveled to Harvard University to research some antique texts in the Houghton Library. After the library closes, she meets Professor Alder Revery – he invites her to his place to see his collection of books that fit within her research. But, when he gets her to his residence, he traps her within a mystic force shield. This professor of all things past is largely opposed to progress and things of the future – including those products of the “Nuclear Age” – Mutants! And, as he reveals himself to be the Past Master, he sends her spirit back in time to merge with her ancestor. |
Captain America in “The American Way“ written by John Figueroa art by Tom Lyle Captain America discovers that Senator Tate has been setting things up in Central America so it appears that the Communists there are leading terrorist attacks on the U.S. And, when Tate sets up a staged assassination on himself, Cap steps in to save him – but, his actions only serve to further Tate’s agenda. Sometimes it seems there’s just no way of defeating political manueverings. |
Now that the mystery villain has been revealed in the Hulk/Wolverine feature, the story reverts back to an uninteresting and contrived mess. I’m impressed that Gerber got his character, Poison, her own feature (and an 8-parter, no less!) since she had only been seen once before! I’m usually quite interested in his work but, the story hasn’t grabbed me just yet. As for the Scarlet Witch’s tale – it’s gotten off to a cheesy start. The “Past Master”? Really? Sounds like a villain created in the 1970s … not the 1990s. Cap’s story is short but poignant. Is there no defeating politicians and what they’d have us believe? It poses a truly interesting question that will take longer to answer than this 8-pager can even begin to solve.
On Ebay: Marvel Comics Presents | Wolverine | Scarlet Witch | Captain America
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Comics Presents | Wolverine | Scarlet Witch | Captain America