Marvel Comics Presents launched in 1988 as an ad-free anthology showcasing four eight-page features, stuffed inside a wrap-around cover. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!

Cover Date: 1991 | Cover Price: $1.25 | Cover Artist: Rob Liefeld
Wolverine in “Acts of Vengeance” part 7 written by Howard Mackie art by Mark Texeira Ghost Rider and Brass take the easy way to the top of the building while Wolverine and Yuji (Brass’s father) take the stairs up. They both meet in the middle and find Brigitte and Jack bound in a room – surrounded by dozens of armed men. Their leader, Langley, claims to have orchestrated the whole thing. But, before the men can kill our heroes, Deathwatch comes across the scene – wondering why his men have been commandeered without his approval. Bad news for Langley! |
Shanna in “The Bush of Ghosts” part 3 written by Gerard Jones art by Paul Gulacy Dubose Wilson, jive-talkin’ black marketeer, tries to find the leader of the black diamond market in Zanzibar but doesn’t get much help from the locals. Meanwhile, his quarry, Sir Guy Cross-Wallace, prepares for Shanna to find him. And, as predicted, Shanna is currently breaching his mansion. |
Daredevil in “Redemption Song” part 2 written by Sandy Plunkett art by Sandy Plunkett with Dwayne Turner Daredevil quickly subdues Ellington and demands a further explanation of his experiment-gone-wrong. He explains that he tested the intelligence-boosting formula on himself and it had granted him the ability to read minds. Now his company, Octagon, has a warrant out for his arrest and the experimental dogs are after the scientists who created their torment. Ellington doesn’t want this power to fall into Octagon’s hands because he feels it’s run by greedy men without morals. When the dogs arrive at the lab, Daredevil confronts them – and, with DD and the dogs distracted with each other, Ellington slips off into the night with his notes. |
Dark Star/Starlight/Black Widow in “One Into Three Won’t Go!“ written by Robert Campanella art by Larry Alexander Sergei Krylov, the Presence, believes himself to be so powerful that he considers himself a god. And, after all, shouldn’t a god be granted multiple female companions? It’s with this in mind, that he takes possession of Starlight and sends her to capture the Black Widow and Darkstar to be his love-slaves. The Black Widow and Darkstar win the ensuing catfight by freeing Starlight’s mind. Interestingly enough, her heart still belongs to the Presence. |
I know a lot of people like to hate on Rob Liefeld but, this is one cool-looking cover! Finally, the title of the Wolverine/Ghost Rider story starts to make sense. Acts of Vengeance was a crossover where villains took on heroes they didn’t normally fight in an effort to disorient and defeat them. It’s finally made clear here that, although Deathwatch’s goons were being used, Deathwatch wasn’t the one giving the orders. That was a neat twist to the story – especially after so many issues seeming to imply that Deathwatch was in charge. The elements of the Shanna story all seem to be coming together nicely – and the same goes for Daredevil’s. The events of the Black Widow story take place after events in Quasar #19-24. This story goes to show how, clearly, the Presence is completely out of his mind. He sends Starlight to make Darkstar one of his female concubines – even though she’s his daughter! Yick!
On Ebay: Marvel Comics Presents | Wolverine | Daredevil | Shanna | Black Widow
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Comics Presents | Wolverine | Daredevil | Shanna | Black Widow
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Comment by — July 20, 2016 @ 7:44 am
J'aime ta façon d'envisager ce livre. Mais je ne le lirais sans doute pas à cause justement du passage que tu cites.Parce que l'amour c'est aussi renoncer à certaines choses, je ne conçois pas la tromperie. Si l'on aime quelqu'un, je ne conçois pas qu'on puisse le faire souffrir sciemment. Je suis peut-être une petite bourgeoise réac (!!) mais tant pis !
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