Marvel Two-In-One launched in 1974, teaming the Thing with a different hero each month. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Date: July 1976
Cover Price: 25ยข
Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist: Ron Wilson
WHO stars in this issue?
the Thing – Benjamin J. Grimm was bombarded by cosmic rays in a space exploration flight, alongside three friends. The cosmic rays gave each of them different powers, and they formed the Fantastic Four. Ben underwent the most physical change of the foursome: his skin mutated into orange rock and, as a result, he gained super-strength.
Spider-Man – When Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider, he gained super-strength and the ability to stick to wallls. Using his scientific background, he devised web-shooters that allow him to swing from tall buildings.
WHAT happens?
After raising a volcano in the middle of the Hudson River and knocking the Thing unconscious, the Basilisk is well on his way to taking over the world with the threat of his other strategically placed volcanoes. Fortunately, Spider-Man makes his way to the volcano and takes on the villain – buying the Thing enough time to revive. In the ensuing battle, the two heroes manage to wipe the floor with Basilisk. And, when his unconscious body meets with the volcano, his ability to focus his power flees his body – thus, the volcano and Basilisk implode leaving the world safe again!

WHERE does the story take place?
This story takes place in the Hudson River near New York City.
WHEN does the villain next appear?
The Basilisk manages to finally tunnel out of the ground (after the events of this story) in Fantastic Four #289. After his emergence, he was suddenly killed by Scourge in that issue.
WHY is the Thing the guest-lead?
Bill Mantlo (the writer of Marvel Two-In-One since September 1975) was also writing Marvel Team-Up (essentially the same concept as MTIO except Team-Up featured Spider-Man every month) since October 1975. So, a handful of months after he started his writing gig on both titles, it seemed like a great idea to initiate a crossover between the two series.

HOW was it?
About one quarter of this issue was a flashback to the Basilisk’s previous appearances in Marvel Team-Up and Marvel Two-In-One. After we’re caught up to speed, the rest of the story is just a big brawl between Basilisk, the Thing and Spider-Man. Not much at all in the way of characterization but, it fills in some gaps in the Basilisk’s history and it’s also revealed that the Basilisk’s extra powers came from the Omega Stone which was unearthed in Marvel Team-Up #16. His powers were enhanced by the stone off-panel after #17.
On Ebay: Marvel Two-In-One | the Thing | Spider-Man
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Two-In-One | Spider-Man