Marvel Comics Presents launched in 1988 as an ad-free anthology showcasing four eight-page features, stuffed inside a wrap-around cover. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!

Cover Date: 1991 | Cover Price: $1.25 | Cover Artist: Barry Windsor-Smith
Wolverine in “Weapon X” part 1 written by Barry Windsor-Smith art by Barry Windsor-Smith We’re witness to a recently shaved man in a lab tank. To the surprise of the lab assistants, the man’s body hair is beginning to grow back. We hear the voices of two onlookers, the Professor and Doctor Cornelius, as the subject’s body is injected with adamantium. As the process continues, the onlookers are amazed at Logan‘s healing factor. |
Shanna in “The Bush of Ghosts” part 6 written by Gerard Jones art by Paul Gulacy After a long search, Shanna and her companions (Jeremy, Dubose and Mchele) discover the African village that Sir Guy Cross-Wallace appears to be in charge of. It appears that he is up to much more than smuggling and killing. From this citadel he’s forged, he intends to create a new religion and spread its power and influence across the continent. |
Sub-Mariner in “The Sea Enemy“ written by John Morelli art by Jim Mooney While enjoying being amongst the sea creatures on a coral reef, the Sub-Mariner is sucked up into a Soviet fishing vessel that is violating the American Coastline’s fishing limits. After a brief tussle with the crew, the captain realizes they will not be able to best the Sub-Mariner so they surrender to his orders to abandon the ship. He sinks their ship with the intention that it’s hull will form the basis for the coral reef (that was destroyed by their powerful vacuum) to reform upon. |
Black Knight in “Sands Of Time“ written by Jason Balgobis art by Russell Lyman Doctor Strange brings a weapon to Dane Whitman, hoping he’ll be able to identify. The Black Knight, in his secret identity, quickly recognizes it – the sword of the man who led the Muslim armies to victory against the Crusaders during the Holy War. It’s a war that Whitman took part in while his consciousness resided in his ancestor, Eobar Garrington. He recounts the tale of the Third Crusade to Stephen Strange. In the year 1191 AD, King Richard Lionheart commissioned the Black Knight to kill the enemy’s leader, Saladin. It had already come to pass that Saladin had led his forces to victory over the Crusaders at Daron. So, lest history be forever altered, Dane Whitman can only hope that his ancestor fails in his mission. |
This issue marks he first appearance of Doctor Abraham Cornelius one of the scientific geniuses behind Weapon X’s adamantium-bonding process. Not much happens in Shanna’s story – although, we get a sense that Cross-Wallace has more in mind than drug-dealing and murder. The Black Knight tale was a strange one indeed – to have the hero rooting for defeat. This Sub-Mariner short reminds me the Captain Planet cartoon. A bit preachy – but a neat premise.
On Ebay: Marvel Comics Presents | Wolverine | Sub-Mariner | Shanna | Black Knight
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Comics Presents | Wolverine | Sub-Mariner | Shanna | Black Knight