Marvel Comics Presents launched in 1988 as an ad-free anthology showcasing four eight-page features, stuffed inside a wrap-around cover. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!

Cover Date: 1991 | Cover Price: $1.25 | Cover Artist: Barry Windsor-Smith (front); Mark Badger (back)
Wolverine in “Weapon X” part 3 written by Barry Windsor-Smith art by Barry Windsor-Smith Logan burst forth from the lab but collapsed once the life-support lines were torn from his body. As the scientists look in on their subject, it becomes clear that the Professor had long since suspected Logan’s mutant origins – and he fills Doctor Abraham Cornelius in on his theory about homo superior. The Professor also reveals Logan‘s past as a government agent which stands in sharp contrast to the animal-like beast he’s become. The Professor charges Dr. Cornelius with the task of training and “programming” Logan. |
Shanna in “The Bush of Ghosts” part 8 written by Gerard Jones art by Paul Gulacy Mchele is quickly gunned down by Sir Guy Cross-Wallace‘s troops but, in the chaos, Shanna breaks loose. In the conflict that arises between Shanna and Cross-Wallace’s men, a jaguar is killed that came to her aid. |
Meggan/Shadow Cat in “Charmed Lives“ written by Sue Flaxman art by Gavin Curtis In the waters off the shore of Excalibur’s lighthouse, Shadow Cat and Meggan rescue two men: Mischa and Yuri. They reveal that they are scientists who were working for Roxxon when they made a discovery that, they realized, could be turned into a biological weapon. They escaped before Roxxon could get their hands on the formula but an assassin had been sent after them. The killer, Cypress, has followed them to Excalibur’s base where Meggan and Shadow Cat aid in defeating him … but at what cost? |
Doctor Doom in “Triumph“ written by Dave Cockrum art by Dave Cockrum Doctor Doom … is bored. And, in his boredom, he decides to create a device that allows him to harness cosmic energies. Armed with new-found power, he strikes out at New York City where he’s met with resistance in the form of heroes. Many heroes! Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, the Avengers – and more! But, eventually, they all fall to the power of Doom. Even the Silver Surfer is reduced to human form before Doom’s new powers. And, just as Doom is about to conquer the entire Earth – we discover it’s all a dream. Actually, a nightmare – of Franklin Richard’s. |
In the Weapon X feature, we start to see some strong personalities emerge from the Professor and Doctor Cornelius. The Professor is revealed to be manipulative while Cornelius seems to be a concerned and sympathetic character. Shanna’s story spotlights a lot of action this issue, as she is chased through a herd of hippos by Africans armed with guns. The Excalibur story is mostly a throw-away tale … and, even worse, the fate of the Russians isn’t entirely spelled out – leaving the reader hanging. With all the recent ____ vs the Marvel Universe series we’ve seen, this Doctor Doom short seems like an early prototype. And, before you complain about it “being a dream” – remember, those other stories aren’t in continuity either – so they count just as much.
On Ebay: Marvel Comics Presents | Wolverine | Excalibur | Shanna | Doctor Doom
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Comics Presents | Wolverine | Excalibur | Shanna | Doom