Marvel Two-In-One launched in 1974, teaming the Thing with a different hero each month. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Date: October 1976
Cover Price: 30ยข
Writer: Roy Thomas
Artist: Sal Buscema
WHO stars in this issue?
the Thing – Benjamin J. Grimm was bombarded by cosmic rays in a space exploration flight, alongside three friends. The cosmic rays gave each of them different powers, and they formed the Fantastic Four. Ben underwent the most physical change of the foursome: his skin mutated into orange rock and, as a result, he gained super-strength. At this point in Marvel Continuity, Ben Grimm was reverted back to human form but he operated an exo-skeleton armor created by Reed Richards that was made to look exactly like the Thing.
Liberty Legion– a super-team that fought the Axis influence in the United States during World War II. The team consists of the Whizzer, Miss America, Red Raven, Jack Fost, Blue Diamond, Thin Man and the Patriot.
WHAT happens?
The Thing has traveled back in time to the year 1942 to retrieve a piece of vibranium metal before it can alter the course of history – for the worse (see Marvel Two-In-One Annual #1).
Currently, he has propelled himself towards a gigantic, Flying Swastika that is destroying Manhattan’s skyscrapers. When he reaches the deadly aircraft, he discovers it’s piloted by Brain Drain – the free-floating brain of Nazi supreme intellect, Werner Schmidt. The Thing manages to inflict some damage to the Flying Swastika but, Brain Drain safely lands it upon his floating, secret base.

It’s on that secret base that the Thing is attacked by SkyShark, Meranno the U-Man and Master Man. But, before he can be overwhelmed by the Nazi super-villains, he’s joined by the Liberty Legion. With eight heroes facing three villains, the Nazis are quickly beaten. The Thing retrieves the cannister of vibranium from SkyShark and returns to the present knowing that the time-stream has been returned to normal.
WHERE does the story take place?
New York City in the year, 1942. Specifically, Manhattan.

WHEN does the villain next appear?
While SkyShark and Slicer have not been seen since, Meranno the U-Man returned in the Invaders #38 (cover date: March 1979). Brain Drain got himself a new, robotic body in Alpha Flight #108-110 (1992) and Master Man returned in the Invaders #16 (cover date: May 1977).

WHY are the Liberty Legion the guest-leads?
After the early success of the Invaders, Roy Thomas expanded Marvel’s “golden-age” super-hero line-up by introducing the Lethal Legion – the homefront version of the Invaders. They took over the lead of Marvel Premiere for two issues in 1976 but didn’t prove popular enough to maintain an ongoing. It would appear that their inclusion here was Roy Thomas’ way of getting them some more audience exposure.
HOW was it?
This issue served to wrap up the storyline that originally started in Fantastic Four Annual #11 and continued into Marvel Two-In-One Annual #1. While the second chapter of this storyline strongly featured the Liberty Legion, this issue leaned hard the other way and gave the spotlight to the Thing. Lots of action to be had here but little in the way of characterization. With eight heroes and five villains (including Brain Drain and Slicer), there’s just not enough limelight to adequately go around.
On Ebay: Marvel Two-In-One | the Thing | Liberty Legion
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