A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
CPM Manga’s Nadesico has a few covers that connect together. Here’s one set.

A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
CPM Manga’s Nadesico has a few covers that connect together. Here’s one set.
A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
In this two-part storyline, Night Thrasher decided to do business with an old villain-gone-legit named Scorch. But, his ex-girlfriend, Silhouette, and half-brother, Bandit, weren’t too happy about the decision.
On Ebay: Night Thrasher
On AtomicAvenue: Night Thrasher
A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
In Marvel Team-Up vol. III, Robert Kirkman pit a lot of super-heroes up against a heavy-weight Skrull villain named Titannus.
On Ebay: Marvel Team-Up
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Team-Up
A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
Tony Harris‘ covers to Marvel Knights’ Doctor Strange series connect to form one image.
On Ebay: Doctor Strange
On AtomicAvenue: Doctor Strange
A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
United States and Soviet forces are united against a common threat in this four issue mini series written by Mark Verheiden. All four covers to Predator: Cold War combine nicely to create one image illustrating the Predator’s fighting prowess. You can click on the picture below to enlarge it.
A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
The covers to Mark Waid’s Potter’s Field join up nicely. The story is about a graveyard where the unnamed dead are buried and a mysterious man’s quest to name them all.
On Ebay: Potter’s Field | Mark Waid
On AtomicAvenue: Potter’s Field
A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
The variant covers of Ms. Marvel vol. II #25 and Captain Marvel vol. VII #4 connect together to make one image. On the left, we’ve got Ms. Marvel in her current costume carrying Captain Marvel (in his first costume). And, on the right, we’ve got Captain Marvel in his current costume carrying Ms. Marvel (in her first costume). What a nifty sense of balance! Continuing the balancing act, each issue is written by Brian Reed and is a Secret Invasion tie-in.
On Ebay: Ms. Marvel | Captain Marvel
On AtomicAvenue: Ms. Marvel | Captain Marvel
A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
In 1984, Marvel Comics debuted a Transformers mini-series that proved so popular, they extended it into an ongoing series. One that lasted for 80 issues! Twenty years after it first hit stands, Titan Books (a UK publisher), reprinted this series in fourteen individual collections. Every two collections can be combined to make one image.
On Ebay: Transformers
On AtomicAvenue: Transformers
A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
The Runaways and the Young Avengers were given a mini-series to explore their part in the Secret Invasion. All three covers by Michael Ryan combine to make one image.
On Ebay: Secret Invasion | Runaways | Young Avengers
On AtomicAvenue: Secret Invasion | Runaways | Young Avengers
A fun aspect of comic books is that sometimes their covers combine to make an even larger image. Here’s a look at some connecting covers.
The Exiles’ World Tour storyline finished up in the Heroes Reborn universe. The final two covers can be put side by side – although, I think (story-wise) they’re meant to be put face to face!
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