Cyberspace Comics market report, reviews and more

August 3, 2010

Comic Book Cover Swipes Exposed #18 Iron Man

Filed under: Swiped: Comic Book Cover Swipes Exposed! — Doorman @ 7:09 am

After looking at hundreds of comic book covers, it becomes quickly apparent that not every cover is 100% original. Whether done intentionally or even underhandedly, there’s something about uncovering these “swipes” that adds a new element of fun to reading and collecting comics.

After debuting in Tales of Suspense #39 (1963), Iron Man became the regular feature in that series until it was canceled with #101 to make room for his own ongoing series (as well as Captain America’s solo title). Finally, fourteen years after his first appearance, Iron Man was able to claim his very own issue one hundred. As if that wasn’t more complicated than your average super hero title, Jennifer Walters (aka the She-Hulk) has an even more convoluted story on her way to #100. Her first series (the Savage She-Hulk) lasted 25 issues. Her second series (the Sensational She-Hulk) lasted 60 issues and was made famous by John Byrne‘s take on the character. Her third series (the adjectiveless She-Hulk) was made famous by Dan Slott‘s take on the character and lasted for one full year (12 issues) before it was relaunched into a second season (or volume II). So, when issue #3 of her second volume was published, it was actually the 100th issue if you combined all the previous She-Hulk solo title issue numbers. Certainly a reason to celebrate … especially for a female solo title. And, to tie everything in together, this is the 100th post in the Cyberspace Comics Blog. Woo Hoo!

Iron Man #100
Iron Man #100
July 1977
Jim Starlin
She-Hulk vol. II #3
She-Hulk vol. II #3
February 2006
Greg Horn
Zoom Suit #1
Zoom Suit #1 (1 in 50 variant)
April 2006
Jim Starlin

On Ebay: Iron Man | She-Hulk | Jim Starlin | Greg Horn | Zoom Suit


  1. Woo hoo! congrats on 100 posts! lol. that didn’t take too long, did it?

    Nice touch commemorating it with the spotlight on these two landmark issue covers. Subtle but relevant!

    Comment by Donny B — August 16, 2010 @ 11:13 am

  2. a’thank you!

    Comment by Doorman — August 16, 2010 @ 1:11 pm

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