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October 2, 2010

Minimate Spotlight #22 Kree Soldiers

Filed under: Minimate Spotlight — Donny B @ 7:34 pm

Action figures have long been a perfect compliment to comic books, since every kid (or kid at heart) has that natural desire to act out adventures with their favorite heroes off the drawn page. Every so often, a unique style of figure comes along that breaks the mold, so to speak. Each Saturday, Donny B will be showcasing various offerings from Art Asylum’s take on the ‘block figure’, with a weekly spotlight on Minimates.

“Spanning more than one thousand worlds, the advanced Kree Empire ruled most of the Galaxy for ages before finding their ultimate enemy in the form of the shape shifting Skrulls. Now evolutionally stagnant and weakened by war, the future of the Kree race rests with their distant cousins the Inhumans”

Intriguing, no? Marvel’s cosmic universe is a world in and of itself, with a rich history that could easily stand on its own. But when the cosmic end of Marvel canon intersects with the earth-based characters, it adds a whole new layer of awesome… and the Kree are an integral part.

Behind the Image:

I experimented a bit with this one. First, I cropped out the Minimates themselves and set them to their own Photoshop layer. Then I flushed the colors out and cranked the contrast up, so that it was as crisp as a black-and-white photo. Once it was all flat greyscale, I went through and re-colored everything on the Minimates themselves. Finally, I layered 4 different images in the background to give a retro-ish outer space feel to the image. The overall effect is as close to Andy Warhol as I will ever get, lol

On Ebay: Kree

1 Comment »

  1. This background reminds me of early looks at the Negative Zone back when Lee/Kirby were the creative force behind the Fantastic Four monthly.

    Comment by Doorman — October 17, 2010 @ 11:20 am

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