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October 11, 2010

One-Shot At Greatness #28 Legends of the Dark Claw

Filed under: One-Shot At Greatness — Doorman @ 7:16 am

Because publishers want you to buy their product every month, comics are typically serial in nature. However, occasionally (and more often nowadays than ever before) publishers launch a comic title that is only meant to last for one issue. While ongoing series often have multiple chances to hook in new readers, the comics highlighted in this ongoing investigations only had One-Shot At Greatness!

Legends of the Dark Claw #1Publisher: Amalgam Comics
Cover Date: April 1996
Cover Price: $1.95
Writer: Larry Hama
Artist: Jim Balent

When the DC and Marvel Universes merged in Marvel vs DC, a new one was created: the Amalgam Universe. This one-shot combined Batman with Wolverine.

*Warning! Plot Spoilers Below*

The Huntress (Huntress/Ms. Marvel) stumbles across Dark Claw‘s true identity while snooping around his Gotham penthouse. But, before she can do anything with the information, she’s thust into a team-up with the hero and his sidekick Sparrow (Robin/Jubilee) to stop the Hyena (Joker/Sabretooth) from killing Bill Clinton, the President of the United States of America, by filling Air Force One with poisonous gas. It ends with the President saved and the Hyena on the run.

This is a pretty straight-forward hero vs villain storyline. No real twist or hook to go on, except for the fact that the main character is a combination of two of the most popular characters in pop-culture. We get a taste of Dark Claw & Hyena’s shared origin but not much else to keep this book all that interesting. Although, Jim Balent’s artwork is great to look at, as always.

On Ebay: Amalgam | Larry Hama | Jim Balent | Batman | Wolverine
On AtomicAvenue: Amalgam Comics

1 Comment »

  1. Very succinct review.
    I remember when this came out… I wanted so much more than what that one issue gave us. Even the second wave (Dark Claw Adventures) left much to be desired

    Comment by Donny B — October 11, 2010 @ 7:44 am

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