Marvel Two-In-One launched in 1974, teaming the Thing with a different hero each month. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Date: July 1974
Cover Price: 25ยข
Writer: Steve Gerber
Artist: Sal Buscema
WHO stars in this issue?
the Thing – Benjamin J. Grimm was bombarded by cosmic rays in a space exploration flight, alongside three friends. The cosmic rays gave each of them different powers, and they formed the Fantastic Four. Ben underwent the most physical change of the foursome: his skin mutated into orange rock and, as a result, he gained super-strength.
Captain America – Steve Rogers was give the experimental Super Soldier Serum that turned him into the star-spangled war hero of World War II. After the war, he was frozen in suspended animation and later revived in the modern era.
WHAT happens?
A day at the zoo turns to chaos when Wundarr decides that the animals should be freed from their cages. And, as the Thing rounds up the wild animals the zoo workers and visitors rush off to safety. Some hoodlums decide to take this opportunity to loot the deserted concession stands but they’re defeated by another heroic zoo-goer, Captain America.

And, as if that wasn’t enough Marvel Heroes to be at the same zoo at the same time, Namorita‘s there, too. She shares that she’s moved off of Hydrobase and is now going to College in Long Island. With her new living situation, she decides she’s better suited to take care of Wundarr and teach him about the world.
Now that things have been brought back to normal, the Thing invites Captain America and his zoo-date, Sharon Carter, back to the Baxter Building for some coffee and relaxation. But, it doesn’t last long – moments later, alarms are sounding from Reed’s lab. Following the sirens, they discover a woman has been transported there by the accidentally-activated time machine (it used to belong to Doctor Doom).

She reveals her name is Tarin and she’s from our future – the year 3014, to be exact. In that future, Earth has been conqured by the alien race, the Badoon – although a small pocket of human resistance still stands, led by the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Manning the time machine, Reed sends Tarin back home accompanied by the Thing, Captain America and Sharon Carter. Soon after they arrive, they’re quickly overwhelmed by a Zom Patrol and the Monster of Badoon. Tarin is the only one who is able to flee to safety while the others are taken captive by the alien forces.
WHERE does the story take place?
The story begins in Central Park Zoo but ends in New York City – of the 31st century!

WHEN do the Badoon next appear?
They’ll show up in the very next issue since this story is … to be continued!
WHY is Captain America the guest-lead?
This tale, set in the far-flung future, will be able to serve as a fitting tribute Marvel’s patriotic hero. Not only has he served his country proudly in World War II and in the modern era but, we discover that he will continue to inspire hope long after he’s gone. Even in the year 3014, Captain America serves a symbol of liberty for the last vestiges of humanity. The Guardians of the Galaxy have gone so far as to name their ship after him.

HOW was it?
It seems strange to me that Wundarr would be so quickly written out of this series. I mean, let’s face it – this book has enough going on without a Namorita/Wundarr subplot so I doubt we’ll be following that development. And, since Gerber is still going to be writing the next few issues, it really makes me wonder why he brought the character in as a supporting character only to dismiss him so quickly. On top of that small issue, my biggest concern was the “coincidental” meeting the Thing, Captain America and Namorita in the same zoo at the same date/time. This seems a bit of a stretch – but, I’m not going to dwell on it any longer.
More importantly, this issue revisits the 31st century Earth that was first (and last) seen in Marvel Super-Heroes #18 (the first appearance of the Guardians of the Galaxy) – so, with that in mind, I hope you’re prepared for the second appearance of the Guardians in the very next issue. As for me, I’m quite excited to read such an early part in their history. However, the way that the Thing’s adventure into the 31st century kicks off is certainly frustrating. It’s due to yet another coincidence (in this case, he accidentallly flips on Doom’s time machine that later retrieves Tarin from the future) which seems like a lazy plot point, to me. I also wish more would have been shown of the despair of a Badoon-conquered Earth. In fact, the New York City of the 31st century looks incredible! Tarin notes that there is a pocketful of human resistance to the aliens but, we don’t get any visual confirmation of mistreatment by the Badoon. I think this would have confirmed the threat more. Not that the Badoon don’t present a threat to our heroes – this is clearly not the case as the Thing, Cap and Sharon are quickly attacked by the Zom Patrol and the Badoon’s Monster. I’m hoping that more will be revealed next issue.

Note: This issue’s letters column features commentary on Marvel Two-In-One #2. Additionally, this comic includes Marvel Value Stamp #88 (the Leader).
On Ebay: Marvel Two-In-One | the Thing | Captain America
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Two-In-One | the Thing | Captain America
[…] This issue’s letters column features commentary on Marvel Two-In-One #4. Additionally, this comic includes Marvel Value Stamp #47 (Green […]
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