Cyberspace Comics market report, reviews and more

September 18, 2017

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #85 September 2017

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Doorman @ 6:40 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 3,772,746 +1.74% +11.85% +122.97%
Cyberspace Comics listings 106,203 +0.66% +11.72% +1,349.47%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.82% -1.05% +0.00% +551.23%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 134,935 -10.87% -6.62% +43.22%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 3.58% -12.25% -16.36% -35.73%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 576,461 -20.99% -43.78%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 15.28% -22.32% -49.74%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 55,897
My current eBay feedback (total): 118,150
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,497,351 +1.06% +23.41% +2.45%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 101,667 +0.45% +12.75% +103.01%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 6.79% -0.59% -8.61% +98.15%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 10.13% +6.74% +16.30% +90.41%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 248,753 +0.62% +8.49%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 40.87% -0.17% +3.94%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 148,181 +1.52% +14.07% +68.50%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,548,838 +0.14% -6.66%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,243,751 +0.39% +6.03%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 73 +1.39% -23.96%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Amazon’s Entertainment Collectibles – Comic Book section unavailable n/a n/a
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics Amazon store unavailable n/a n/a
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Amazon unavailable n/a n/a
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 231,297 +2.17% +36.22%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 105,092 +0.70% +11.95%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 45.44% -1.43% -17.82%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 160,557 +1.80% +11.39%


eBay’s quantity of sold items over the last three months have plunged dramatically.

Atomic Avenue continues its slow climb in the number of listings since it bottomed out in 2015.

Comic Collector Live continues to display some troubling signs. In the past year, their number of storefronts has decreased by nearly 25% which has led to a decrease in total listings of nearly 7% in the past year. They’ll need to increase the number of storefonts if they want to see growth return.

Amazon‘s collectibles marketplace is not allowing their number of listings to be shown this month. No data can be collected.

HipComic has hit a plateau of sorts this month but shows strong gains over the past year.

Bonanza‘s number of listings has shown modest gains in the past year – up over 10%.

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