Marvel Comics Presents launched in 1988 as an ad-free anthology showcasing four eight-page features, stuffed inside a wrap-around cover. This guide will tell you everything you wanted to know about the series – and more!

Cover Date: Early November 1989 | Cover Price: $1.25 | Cover Artist: Jon Bogdanove with Peter Craig Russell
Havok in “Pharaoh’s Legacy” conclusion written by Howard Mackie art by Rich Buckler Plasma reveals that everything that’s occurred over the past few days was a ruse to lure Havok into the clutches of the Cult of the Living Pharaoh. The Cult intended to use Havok’s power to empower a new leader – a descendant of the Living Pharaoh. Turns out that descendant is Plasma (she’s the Pharaoh’s niece) and she wants Havok to use his powers to energize her own powers. But Havok doesn’t like being used – he denies her the power and defeats her in battle. |
Black Panther in “Panther’s Quest” part 19 written by Don McGregor art by Gene Colan Patrick Slade is now dead at the hands of Gore, a South African mercenary. The information about the Black Panther‘s mother forever locked within his lifeless brain. Desperate for answers, the Panther visits Sarah Slade, newly widowed, to figure out his next move. She had a note there, left by one of the mercenaries, Strike, for him. The note essentially told him to “bug off” and it was signed Ramonda. His mother… |
Coldblood in “Rise and Shine” part 6 written by Doug Moench art by Paul Gulacy Coldblood-7′s computer reveals how Eric Savin’s lifeless body was brought back to life by Mako’s surgeons and enhanced with cybernetics by Gina Dyson. Meanwhile, Mako and his team have tracked Coldblood to his location in the Las Vegas Lucky 7 Motel. A robotic agent of theirs meets with Coldblood to reveal that his friend, Gina, is now their captive. They’ve given him an offer: if he turns himself back in, they won’t kill her. He answers by destroying the robot. |
Excalibur in “Having A Wild Weekend” part 1 written by Michael Higgins art by Erik Larsen The Loonies escape from Kitty Pryde’s computer and invade Excalibur‘s base. All six members (Guns Gummy, Rooster Cockburn, Billy Bird, Southpaw, the Ham, Tailgunner) quickly launch into attack mode! And, perhaps due to their surprise attack advantage, the “Looney Tunes” rip-offs defeat our heroes and lock them up within their Carrot Confinement Containers! |
Well, the conclusion to Havok’s story certainly had a twist but, overall it wasn’t that much of an interesting story. Girl want power. Girl can’t have power. Fight! The Excalibur story features some nice art by Erik Larsen but I’m concerned it’ll stay in this “silly” vein for too long.
On Ebay: Marvel Comics Presents | Havok | Black Panther | Coldblood | Excalibur
On AtomicAvenue: Marvel Comics Presents | Black Panther | Mutant X (aka Havok) | Excalibur