After looking at hundreds of comic book covers, it becomes quickly apparent that not every cover is 100% original. Whether done intentionally or even underhandedly, there’s something about uncovering these “swipes” that adds a new element of fun to reading and collecting comics.
In 2005, Allan Heinberg (writer for the O.C. & Grey’s Anatomy) created a new team of super-heroes: the Young Avengers. The team was initially comprised of Iron Lad, Patriot, Asgardian and Hulkling. Five years later, during Marvel’s Dark Reign, a new group of heroes (including the son of Princess Python) decided to use the name for themselves. You can imagine that the original Young Avengers (who were still using the name) weren’t too happy about that!

Young Avengers #1
April 2005
Jimmy Cheung

Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1
July 2009
Mark Brooks
On Ebay: Young Avengers
On AtomicAvenue: Young Avengers