Cyberspace Comics market report, reviews and more

November 10, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #134 November 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 6,080,017 +1.50% +5.91% +70.95%
Cyberspace Comics listings 137,781 +2.27% +3.02% +36.03%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.27% +0.72% -2.74% -20.49%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 248,312 +2.30% +3.68% +89.83%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.08% +0.84% -2.06% +10.98%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,447,191 -1.86% +0.55% +45.49%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 23.80% -3.32% -5.06% -14.90%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 88,623
My current eBay feedback (total): 206,147
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,658,212 -2.96% +0.48% +25.52%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 121,418 +1.49% +1.30% +26.09%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.32% +4.60% +0.86% +0.44%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 1.77% -24.68% -67.40% -81.92%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 234,671 -3.77% -1.32% +0.78%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 51.74% +5.46% +2.66% +25.13%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 236,109 +0.14% +7.95% +76.86%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,375,656 +0.12% -2.79% -16.89%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,711,134 +0.29% +5.35% +27.04%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 47 -2.08% -24.19% -50.00%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,042,705 +12.88% +101.08% +418.36%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 122,834 -3.45% -6.73% +22.60%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 11.78% -14.45% -53.62% -76.35%


eBay‘s number of listings has surpassed 6 million for the first time!

Atomic Avenue: Our percentage of the total number of orders has dropped off sharply since we began implementing a high-dollar minimum order. This has helped prevent “hot” issues from selling out to speculators without purchases of more common stock.

Comic Collector Live: The number of stores has dropped by 50% in the past five years.

HipComic‘s number of listings has surpassed 1 million for the first time!

October 13, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #133 October 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 9:12 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,990,360 +2.51% +6.18% +73.65%
Cyberspace Comics listings 134,720 +2.95% +1.04% +38.58%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.25% +0.40% -4.71% -20.25%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 242,725 -5.18% -2.43% +69.42%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.05% -7.49% -8.12% -2.36%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,474,588 -1.73% -2.81% +45.95%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 24.62% -4.14% -8.46% -15.96%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 88,033
My current eBay feedback (total): 204,303
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,708,809 +1.43% +4.33% +34.35%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 119,634 +1.70% -0.05% +27.76%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.00% +0.16% -4.23% -4.88%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 2.35% +69.06% -61.03% -65.89%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 243,875 +0.53% +3.07% +5.39%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 49.06% +1.17% -3.01% +21.21%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 235,785 +0.56% +8.28% +78.32%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,374,040 +0.32% -3.05% -17.05%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,703,229 +0.40% +5.40% +27.20%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 48 -2.04% -21.31% -48.94%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 923,736 +71.90% +81.01% +395.20%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 127,220 -3.29% -3.01% +32.40%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 13.77% -43.74% -46.41% -73.26%


eBay‘s number of listings may soon break the 6 million mark for the first time!

Atomic Avenue: Our percentage of the total number of orders has dropped off sharply since we began implementing a high-dollar minimum order. This has helped prevent “hot” issues from selling out to speculators without purchases of more common stock.

Comic Collector Live: The number of stores has dropped by nearly 50% in the past five years.

HipComic continues to prove itself to be a great up-and-coming marketplace for comics. Their number of listings have grown sharply since MHC began listing there last month.

September 8, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #132 September 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 6:01 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,843,488 -0.03% +5.35% +73.25%
Cyberspace Comics listings 130,857 +0.51% -1.17% +37.66%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.24% +0.42% -6.30% -20.59%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 255,983 +8.03% +6.44% +77.15%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.38% +8.16% +0.94% +2.35%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,500,620 +0.02% -3.45% +46.34%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 25.68% +0.04% -8.35% -15.53%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 87,336
My current eBay feedback (total): 202,124
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,684,681 -0.67% +2.65% +38.84%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 117,633 +0.30% -1.23% +30.46%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 6.99% +0.90% -3.82% -6.02%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 1.39% +82.89% -73.22% -84.04%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 242,591 +0.58% +3.10% +5.80%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 48.49% -0.29% -4.21% +23.32%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 234,466 +0.61% +8.33% +80.50%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,369,625 +0.22% -3.45% -17.46%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,692,327 +0.31% +5.35% +27.23%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 49 -2.00% -19.67% -48.96%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 537,383 +5.44% +6.60% +216.49%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 131,550 +0.47% +0.94% +40.13%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 24.48% -4.71% -4.23% -55.72%


eBay‘s number of listings has plateaud this month.

Atomic Avenue: Our percentage of the total number of orders has dropped off sharply since we began implementing a high-dollar minimum order. This has helped prevent “hot” issues from selling out to speculators without purchases of more common stock.

Comic Collector Live: The number of stores has dropped by nearly 50% in the past five years.

HipComic continues to prove itself to be a great up-and-coming marketplace for comics. Their number of listings have seen impressive growth over the past five years.

August 11, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #131 August 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,845,310 +3.21% +6.03% +81.49%
Cyberspace Comics listings 130,196 +6.44% -1.52% +41.97%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.23% +3.12% -7.19% -21.85%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 236,947 +2.88% +1.39% +34.72%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.05% -0.40% -4.40% -25.76%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,500,319 +34.74% -3.08% +43.56%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 25.67% +30.55% -8.59% -20.90%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 86,742
My current eBay feedback (total): 200,314
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,696,094 +3.26% +6.38% +34.69%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 117,286 +0.01% -1.59% +30.20%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 6.92% -3.15% -7.55% -3.29%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 0.76% -55.29% -84.80% -92.23%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 241,197 +4.06% +3.55% +5.61%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 48.63% -3.90% -4.97% +23.29%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 233,044 +0.51% +9.13% +82.86%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,366,663 -0.37% -4.26% -18.35%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,683,928 +0.37% +5.49% +27.44%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 50 -5.66% -18.03% -48.45%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 509,664 +4.67% +0.23% +226.19%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 130,939 +5.79% +0.77% +43.35%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 25.69% +1.07% -8.96% -56.05%


eBay‘s number of sold listings grew sharply in the past month (up over 33%).

Atomic Avenue: Our percentage of the total number of orders has dropped off sharply since we began implementing a high-dollar minimum order. This has helped prevent “hot” issues from selling out to speculators without purchases of more common stock.

Comic Collector Live: The number of stores has dropped by nearly 50% in the past five years.

HipComic continues to prove itself to be a great up-and-coming marketplace for comics. Their number of listings have seen impressive growth over the past five years.

July 14, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #130 July 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 9:05 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,663,646 +2.75% +4.36% +80.01%
Cyberspace Comics listings 122,321 -2.93% -5.51% +32.01%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.16% -5.69% -9.63% -26.54%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 230,318 +1.20% -5.33% +65.91%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.07% -1.53% -9.23% -7.79%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,113,484 +86.86% -29.29% +4.24%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 19.66% +81.87% -32.23% -42.09%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 86,184
My current eBay feedback (total): 198,640
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,642,527 -3.52% +3.70% +33.04%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 117,273 +0.46% -0.88% +30.91%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.14% +4.08% -4.42% -1.66%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 1.70% -22.02% -73.06% -66.14%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 231,786 -3.40% -0.12% +2.08%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 50.60% +4.00% -0.77% +28.25%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 231,853 +0.66% +9.75% +85.43%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,371,780 +0.45% -4.24% -17.77%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,673,937 +0.49% +5.70% +27.54%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 53 +0% -8.62% -47.00%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 486,914 +2.38% +4.63% +175.92%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 123,767 -1.60% -4.34% +35.19%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 25.42% -3.90% +0.31% -51.00%


eBay‘s number of sold listings is back to normal so it’ll look like some major swings have happened (when, in reality, they haven’t).

Atomic Avenue: The number of unique issues available on this marketplace in the past five years has grown by just 2%. This is a consistently stable marketplace.

Comic Collector Live: The number of registered users has increased by nearly 10% in the past year. But the number of open storefronts there has dropped by nearly half in five years.

HipComic continues to prove itself to be a great up-and-coming marketplace for comics. Their number of listings have seen impressive growth over the past five years.

June 9, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #129 June 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 7:47 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,512,247 +8.34% +3.82% +125.61%
Cyberspace Comics listings 126,007 -3.45% -4.53% +34.36%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.29% -11.05% -8.19% -40.47%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 227,588 +7.20% -4.16% +87.87%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.13% -0.99% -7.63% -16.76%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 595,887 N/A -59.98% -45.78%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 10.81% N/A -61.45% -75.97%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 85,501
My current eBay feedback (total): 196,839
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,702,520 +0.97% +2.18% +39.61%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 116,734 -0.49% -1.94% +29.98%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 6.86% -1.49% -3.97% -6.84%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 2.18% -15.83% -31.01% -73.22%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 239,946 +0.43% +3.17% +6.40%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 48.65% -0.92% -4.94% +22.18%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 230,324 +0.60% +9.63% +86.82%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,365,641 -0.30% -4.43% -18.08%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,660,845 +0.40% +5.79% +27.82%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 53 -5.36% -8.62% -47.00%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 475,615 +3.40% +40.41% +197.15%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 125,779 -2.67% -2.79% +35.91%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 26.45% -5.89% -30.77% -54.26%


eBay‘s number of sold listings is down significantly. I’m wondering if the way they report sold items has changed with their new system.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace has almost reclaimed the number of listings it had seven years ago.

Comic Collector Live: The number of registered users has increased by nearly 10% in the past year. But the number of open storefronts there has dropped by nearly half in five years.

HipComic continues to prove itself to be a great up-and-coming marketplace for comics. Their number of listings have seen impressive growth over the years.

May 12, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #128 May 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 11:06 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,087851 +16.31% -5.02% +67.90%
Cyberspace Comics listings 130,512 -1.54% -2.45% +41.11%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.57% -15.34% +2.61% -15.90%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 212,302 +25.34% -9.92% +42.01%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.17% +7.82% -5.17% -15.36%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) not currently reporting accurately
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings not currently reporting accurately

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 84,903
My current eBay feedback (total): 195,178
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,686,235 +1.46% +0.66% +38.84%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 117,311 -0.87% -2.64% +31.44%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 6.96% -2.29% -3.24% -5.35%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 2.59% -38.19% -30.38% -70.20%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 238,909 -0.02% +2.43% +6.60%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 49.10% -0.84% -4.95% +23.31%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 228,951 +0.79% +10.07% +86.05%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,369,725 -1.92% -5.72% -17.57%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,650,137 +0.57% +5.89% +28.02%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 56 -5.08% -5.08% -44.55%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 459,987 +0.93% -7.77% +167.44%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 129,234 -1.33% -1.47% +39.73%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 28.10% -2.24% +6.83% -47.75%


eBay‘s number of listings have increased significantly. Because of this sharp up and down, I’m thinking that last month’s numbers were off. eBay has removed all of the comics sub-categories. Now, there is only one category.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is still struggling to reclaim the number of listings it had seven years ago.

Comic Collector Live: The number of registered users has increased by over 10% in the past year.

HipComic shed over 5% of their listings from last year. This is similar to eBay, where stuff is selling faster than it can be listed.

Ebid‘s number of listings will no longer be tracked. The only items that sold on that marketplace were “hot” books that I wasn’t able to update the price before it sold at the lower price.

April 14, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #127 April 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 4,374,260 -12.55% -8.42% +41.11%
Cyberspace Comics listings 132,553 -1.12% -2.94% +43.10%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 3.03% +13.07% +5.95% +1.35%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 169,386 -18.15% -33.85% +16.05%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 3.87% -6.47% -27.75% -17.78%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,736,517 +10.95% +47.75% +63.87%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 39.70% +26.87% +61.31% +16.15%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 83,748
My current eBay feedback (total): 192,152
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,662,038 -0.09% +0.24% +37.75%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 118,336 -1.04% -3.29% +33.59%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.12% -0.97% -3.52% -3.00%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 4.19% +1.95% -50.94% -60.88%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 238,961 +0.01% +2.37% +7.53%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 49.52% -1.06% -5.53% +24.24%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 227,161 +1.24% +10.33% +85.72%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,396,493 -0.57% -4.38%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,635,162 +0.48% +5.88%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 59 +3.51% +5.36%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 455,729 +0.85% -8.40% +213.76%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 130,976 -0.94% -2.56% +40.99%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 28.74% -1.78% +6.37% -55.07%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 193,336 -39.80% -36.62% +57.98%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Ebid’s Comics section 234,428 -1.60%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Ebid storefront section 124,165 -2.81%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Ebid 52.97% -1.22%


eBay‘s number of listings has dropped significantly. The comics market is extremely hot on eBay and sellers are having a hard time creating more listings than are selling.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is still struggling to reclaim the number of listings it had seven years ago.

Comic Collector Live: The number of registered users has increased by over 10% in the past year.

HipComic shed over 5% of their listings from last year. This is similar to eBay, where stuff is selling faster than it can be listed.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have dropped sharply – down nearly 40% in one month. Their sync tool didn’t work correctly so when we raised the price in our eBay store, the price of the Bonanza mirror of that item did NOT update. It became more work than it was worth because after a year (more, actually) of trying to sell comics on Bonanza, the only items that seemed to sell were “hot books” that become “underpriced” overnight.

Ebid‘s number of listings have leveled off.

March 10, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #126 March 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,002,267 -13.24% -5.28% +62.78%
Cyberspace Comics listings 134,049 -0.36% -1.77% +45.25%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.68% +15.01% +3.87% -10.67%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 206,938 -12.60% -1.60% +44.46%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.14% +0.65% +3.94% -11.23%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,565,139 +5.97% +39.55% +57.00%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 31.29% +22.03% +47.31% -3.55%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 82,789
My current eBay feedback (total): 189,276
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,663,491 -0.36% +1.21% +37.28%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 119,583 -0.28% -2.55% +35.58%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.19% +0.12% -3.77% -1.25%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 4.11% +7.87% -46.76% -63.85%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 238,949 +0.29% +2.86% +8.44%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 50.05% -0.57% -5.25% +25.02%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 224,383 +1.00% +10.06% +84.61%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,404,530 -0.20% -1.38%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,622,539 +0.58% +5.73%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 57 -3.39% -1.72%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 451,898 +1.39% -5.40% +205.00%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 132,225 -0.21% -1.62% +43.12%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 29.26% -1.58%% +3.98% -53.07%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 321,160 +10.30% +14.24% +183.99
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 80,753 +7.52% -13.10%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 25.14% -2.54% -23.92%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Ebid’s Comics section 238,235 +0.59%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Ebid storefront section 127,751 +1.41%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Ebid 53.62% +0.82%


eBay‘s number of listings has dropped significantly. The comics market is extremely hot on eBay and sellers are having a hard time creating more listings than are selling.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is still struggling to reclaim the number of listings it had seven years ago.

Comic Collector Live: This one is very surprising. Given the heat that the online comic market is currently experiencing, I’m shocked to see that the number of sellers on CCL continues to decline.

HipComic shed over 5% of their listings from last year. This is similar to eBay, where stuff is selling faster than it can be listed.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have risen sharply in the past month.

Ebid‘s number of listings have leveled off.

February 10, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #125 February 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,765,320 -0.62% +9.98% +82.67%
Cyberspace Comics listings 134,529 -0.93%% +4.22% +45.50%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.33% -0.28%% -5.15% -20.36%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 236,772 +1.57% -2.13% +54.58%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.11% +2.16% -11.11% -15.32%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,478,345 +6.79% +35.75% +52.69%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 25.64% +7.47% +23.40% -16.42%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 82,019
My current eBay feedback (total): 186,899
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,669,516 +0.87%% +6.30% +38.75%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 119,924 -0.55%% +3.51% +36.15%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.18% -1.47%% -2.67% -1.87%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 3.81% -17.71% -58.09% -59.29%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 238,258 +0.31% +3.20% +8.86%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 50.33% -0.86% +0.29% +25.08%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 222,167 +0.79% +10.39% +88.85%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,407,399 +0.06% -0.87%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,607,298 +0.59% +5.33%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 59 +0.00% +0.00%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 445,688 -16.26% -7.51% +207.53%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 132,508 -0.87% +2.77% +43.32%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 29.73% +18.36% +11.10% -53.39%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 291,169 +4.98% -2.17%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 75,108 +4.10% -21.17%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 25.80% -8.66% -19.41%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Ebid’s Comics section 236,841 +1.22%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Ebid storefront section 125,969 -0.56%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Ebid 53.19% -1.76%


eBay‘s number of listings has dropped for two months in a row. A rarity, these days! Possibly spurred by the $600 stimulus checks that went out causing increased sales on this marketplace (and thus resulting in fewer listings).

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is still struggling to reclaim the number of listings it had seven years ago.

Comic Collector Live: Membership is up over 10% in the past year.

HipComic shed over 15% of their listings from last month.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have fallen slightly in the past year.

Ebid‘s number of listings have leveled off.

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