Cyberspace Comics market report, reviews and more

January 13, 2021

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #124 January 2021

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,801,168 -1.58% +13.93% +89.43%
Cyberspace Comics listings 135,786 +1.54% +0.25% +48.49%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.34% +3.11% -12.01% -21.72%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 233,107 -7.06% -0.99% +67.34%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.02% -5.67% -13.02% -11.69%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,384,339 -1.18 +30.55%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 23.86% +0.39% +14.56%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 81,196
My current eBay feedback (total): 184,808
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,655,138 -0.001% +5.59% +35.97%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 120,592 +0.20% -1.06% +35.68%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.29% +0.22% -6.35% -0.19%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 4.63% -5.32% -60.26% -51.37%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 237,514 -0.14% +2.74% +8.93%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 50.77% +0.34% -3.69% +24.56%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 220,415 +0.28% +12.37% +93.03%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,406,546 -0.60% -0.56%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,592,048 +0.47% +5.05%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 59 -4.84% -1.67%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 532,201 +2.80% +10.80% +325.89%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 133,674 +0.34% +0.59% +46.27%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 25.12% -2.38% -9.23% -65.65%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 277,362 +5.95% -7.26%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 78,321 +4.05% -20.45%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 28.24% -1.78% +2.05%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Ebid’s Comics section 233,988 -0.15%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Ebid storefront section 126,682 +3.13%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Ebid 54.14% +3.28%


eBay‘s number of listings actually did not increase from the last month. A rarity, these days! Possibly spurred by the $600 stimulus checks that went out causing increased sales on this marketplace (and thus resulting in fewer listings).

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is still struggling to reclaim the number of listings it had seven years ago.

Comic Collector Live: Membership is up over 12% in the past year.

HipComic is celebrating their 5th year! Their number of listings has increased by over 300% in five years.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have fallen by over 7% in the past year.

Ebid‘s number of listings have leveled off.

December 9, 2020

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #123 December 2020

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,894,123 +2.67% +17.67% +86.41%
Cyberspace Comics listings 133,729 -0.01% -0.63% +49.40%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.27% -2.62% -15.66% -19.83%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 250,819 +4.73% -3.49% +37.88%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.26% +2.05% -18.01% -25.99%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,400,937 -2.66 +29.64%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 23.77% -5.19% +10.19%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 80,722
My current eBay feedback (total): 183,666
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,655,154 +0.29% +5.62% +36.89%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 120,355 +0.41% -1.08% +37.61%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.27% +0.16% -6.29% +0.57%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 4.89% -9.94% -55.51% -42.40%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 237,842 +0.02% +3.24% +9.80%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 50.60% +0.40% -4.20% +25.32%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 219,793 +0.49% +13.56% +99.10%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,415,048 -0.01% +0.09%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,579,971 +0.25% +4.77%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 62 +0.00% +6.90%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 517,694 -0.16% +6.15%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 133,217 +1.15% +0.91%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 25.73% +1.31% -4.94%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 261,792 +0.36% -13.01%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 75,274 -2.71% -27.29%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 28.75% -3.06% +6.22%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Ebid’s Comics section 234,343 +24.12%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Ebid storefront section 122,842 -2.00%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Ebid 52.42% -21.04%


eBay‘s number of listings continues to hit all-new highs. It’s worth noting that the percentage of sold listings vs active listings continues to decline.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is still struggling to reclaim the number of listings it had seven years ago.

Comic Collector Live: Membership is up over 13% in the past year.

HipComic‘s number of listings have flatlined again. No major growth from last month.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have fallen over 10% in the past year.

Ebid‘s number of listings took another jump this month. Perhaps some other sellers have jumped on board or others are ramping up their offerings.

November 11, 2020

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #122 November 2020

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,740,573 +1.75% +15.59% +79.45%
Cyberspace Comics listings 133,747 +0.31% +0.15% +48.27%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.33% -1.28% -13.39% -17.38%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 239,497 -3.73% -5.54% +30.76%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.17% -5.40% -18.36% -27.19%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,439,267 -5.14 +31.04%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 25.07% -6.76% +13.34%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 80,279
My current eBay feedback (total): 182,624
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,650,293 +0.76% +4.85% +37.63%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 119,859 +0.14% -1.09% +41.63%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.26% -0.64% -5.68% +2.87%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 5.43% -9.95% -41.68% -28.46%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 237,803 +0.50% +3.27% +10.72%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 50.40% -0.35% -4.21% +27.93

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 218,728 +0.45% +14.78% +102.26%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,415,167 -0.15% +0.28%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,573,573 +0.35% +4.75%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 62 +1.64% +5.08%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 518,532 +1.61% +7.91%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 131,701 +0.41% +0.51%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 25.40% -1.17% -6.86%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 260,862 -4.23% -10.86%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 77,373 -2.22% -27.39%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 29.66% +2.10% -18.58%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Ebid’s Comics section 188,807 +0.61%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Ebid storefront section 125,350 +0.39%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Ebid 66.39% -0.21%


eBay‘s number of listings continues to hit all-new highs. It’s worth noting that the percentage of sold listings vs active listings continues to decline.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is still struggling to reclaim the number of listings it had seven years ago.

Comic Collector Live: Membership is up over 14% in the past year.

HipComic‘s number of listings have flatlined again. No major growth from last month.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have fallen over 10% in the past year.

Ebid‘s number of listings have exploded since we began listing our items there this year.

October 14, 2020

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #122 October 2020

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,641,742 +1.71% +13.76% +90.06%
Cyberspace Comics listings 133,339 +0.71% +1.14% +54.11%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.36% -1.11% -11.15% -18.78%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 248,778 +3.44% +9.30% +49.20%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.41% +1.60% -3.93% -21.54%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,517,264 -2.38% +31.88%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 26.89% -4.02% +15.92%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 79,666
My current eBay feedback (total): 181,256
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,637,853 -0.21% +2.93% +40.00%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 119,691 +0.50% +0.34% +45.34%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.31% +0.66% -2.56% +3.80%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 6.03% +16.18% -13.73% -4.89%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 236,616 +0.56% +2.70% +11.13%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 50.58% -0.07% -2.29% +30.78

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 217,757 +0.61% +16.85% +105.74%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,417,269 -0.10% -2.59%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,564,723 +0.35% +4.63%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 61 +0.00% -3.17%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 510,314 +1.23% +6.16%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 131,169 +0.64% +1.24%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 25.70% +0.56% -4.62%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 272,384 +0.01% +17.27%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 79,133 +3.94% +102.13%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 29.05% +3.94% +72.31%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Ebid’s Comics section 187,668 +182.68%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Ebid storefront section 124,864
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Ebid 66.53%


eBay‘s number of listings continues to hit all-new highs. It’s worth noting that the percentage of sold listings vs active listings has begun to decline.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is still struggling to reclaim the number of listings it had over 5 years ago.

Comic Collector Live: Membership is up over 16% in the past year.

HipComic‘s number of listings have flatlined again. No major growth from last month.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have flatlined. No growth from last month.

Ebid‘s number of listings have exploded since we began listing our items there this month.

September 16, 2020

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #121 September 2020

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,546,856 +0.61% +14.46% +87.03%
Cyberspace Comics listings 132,403 +0.15% +3.68% +53.18%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.39% -0.54% -9.58% -17.97%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 240,501 +2.91% +5.93% +91.39%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.34% +2.26% -7.35% +2.26%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,554,193 +0.40% +36.04%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 28.02% -0.22% +18.88%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 78,973
My current eBay feedback (total): 179,516
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,641,262 +2.94% +14.69% +41.70%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 119,099 -0.07% +2.10% +46.46%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.26% -2.99% -10.96% +3.37%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 5.19% +3.80% -25.96% -10.36%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 235,288 +1.01% +3.68% +12.00%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 50.62% -1.08% -1.52% +34.70

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 216,427 +1.34% +18.06% +110.29%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,418,623 -0.62% -2.75%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,555,660 +0.44% +4.71%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 61 +0.00% -3.17%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 504,132 -0.86% +7.79%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 130,330 +0.30% +4.02%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 25.56% +1.14% -3.50%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 272,355 -2.02% +45.95%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 76,133 -2.96%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 27.95% -0.94%


eBay‘s number of listings continues to hit all-new highs.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is still struggling to reclaim the number of listings it had over 5 years ago.

Comic Collector Live: Membership is up over 18% in the past year.

HipComic‘s number of listings have flatlined again. No major growth from last month.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have increased greatly since we started listing on there this year. Up over 45% in one year!

August 12, 2020

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #120 August 2020

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,513,032 +1.58% +15.00% +96.98%
Cyberspace Comics listings 132,205 +2.12% +4.57% +88.96%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.40% +0.34% -9.16% -4.08%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 233,693 -3.95% +1.64% +90.37%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.24% -5.38% -11.69% -3.44%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,548,042 -1.69% +37.65%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 28.08% -3.21% +19.69%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 78,181
My current eBay feedback (total): 177,443
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,594,401 +0.66% +2.07% +39.43%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 119,186 +0.73% +2.15% +51.24%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.48% +0.07% +0.07% +8.49%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 5.00% -20.76% -31.13% -22.24%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 232,934 +0.38% +1.96% +11.07%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 51.17% +0.35% +0.19% +36.16

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 213,555 +1.10% +18.89% +109.81%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,427,475 -0.35% -3.09%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,544,345 +0.58% +4.44%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 61 +5.17% -7.58%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 508,494 -0.40% +14.10%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 129,940 +0.43% +5.01%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 25.56% +0.84% -7.98%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 277,968 +0.03% +60.50%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 78,455 -3.12%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 28.22% -3.14%


eBay‘s number of listings continues to hit all-new highs.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is stagnant. Its number of listings grew by less than 0.75% in the past year.

Comic Collector Live: Membership is up over 18% in the past year.

HipComic‘s number of listings have flatlined again. No major growth from last month.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have increased greatly since we started listing on there this year. Up over 60% in one year!

July 8, 2020

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #119 July 2020

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:28 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,427,168 +2.21% +24.25% +91.04%
Cyberspace Comics listings 129,455 -1.92% +4.54% +71.21%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.39% -4.20% -16.01% -10.33%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 243,297 +2.45% +14.56% +145.77%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.48% +0.29% -7.76% +28.82%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,574,634 +5.76% +39.83%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 29.01% +3.47% +12.54%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 77,236
My current eBay feedback (total): 175,153
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,583,948 -4.93% +0.42% +26.13%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 118,317 -0.61% +2.77% +53.45%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.47% +4.62% +2.33% +21.66%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 6.31% +99.68% +11.09% -12.85%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 232,060 -0.22% +2.12%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 50.99% -0.38% +0.64%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 211,249 +0.55% +19.14% +110.30%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,432,495 +0.25% -2.78%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,529,752 +0.58% +4.24%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 58 +0.00% -7.94%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 510,555 +50.72% +11.79%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 129,379 -0.01% +6.79%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 25.34% -33.66% -4.48%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 277,881 -7.88% +57.93%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 80,982 -3.47%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 29.14% +4.79%


eBay‘s number of listings continues to hit all-new highs.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace is stagnant. Its number of listings grew by less than 0.50% in the past year.

Comic Collector Live: Membership is up nearly 20% in the past year.

HipComic‘s number of listings grew by 50% now that Newkadia reopened on there.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have increased greatly since we started listing on there this year. Up over 55% in one year!

June 10, 2020

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #118 June 2020

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,309,609 -0.88% +17.69% +84.31%
Cyberspace Comics listings 131,985 -1.34% +8.51% +68.23%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.49% -0.57% -7.93% -8.61%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 237,470 +0.76% +13.39% +105.88%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.47% +1.65% -3.61% +11.81%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,488,882 +7.92% +52.50%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 28.04% +8.86% +29.58%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 76,450
My current eBay feedback (total): 173,196
My positive eBay feedback score: 99.9%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,666,159 -0.53% +6.16% +37.06%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 119,038 -1.20% +4.91% +56.48%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.14% -0.63% -1.18% +14.13%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 3.16% -15.05% -47.51% -55.43%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 232,573 -0.29% +3.14%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 51.18% -0.92% +1.72%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 210,088 +1.00% +20.21% +111.00%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,428,980 -1.64% -3.45%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,515,212 +0.50% +4.08%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 58 -1.69% -7.94%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 338,735 -32.08% -28.13%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 129,394 -1.34% +8.79%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 38.20% +45.24% +51.40%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 301,656 -1.40% +64.10%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 83,890 -3.24%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 27.81% -1.87%


eBay‘s number of listings are extremely high. With comic shops closed and comic conventions and flea markets not expected to return for some time, comic buyers have turned to eBay in droves. This is evident with the items sold metric. I can began following this metric in February 2016 and it has never been this high before.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace’s number of listings grew by 6% in the past year. I reopened our storefront on this marketplace on May 8th.

Comic Collector Live: CCL’s number of stores increased to 58. The number of comics listed on this marketplace continues to drop due to a large increase in the number of items sold there.

HipComic‘s number of listings shrunk by over 30% from last month. I suspect this is due to a loss in Newkadia’s listings (they only have 196 posted there, currently).

Bonanza‘s number of listings have increased greatly since we started listing on there this year. Up over 60% in one year!

May 13, 2020

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #117 May 2020

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 7:14 pm


I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 5,356,580 +12.15% +22.44% +65.15%
Cyberspace Comics listings 133,784 -2.04% +11.73% +71.14%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.50% -12.67% -8.51% +3.63%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 235,673 -7.96% +8.50% +94.42%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 4.40% -17.92% -11.48% +17.95%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,379,645 +17.38% +41.28%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 25.76% +4.66% +15.39%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 75,633
My current eBay feedback (total): 170,742
My positive eBay feedback score: 99.9%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,675,093 +1.03% +7.44% +43.13%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 120,487 -1.53% +8.73% +59.41%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.19% -2.54% +1.17% +11.34%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 3.72% -56.44% -47.68% -14.09%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 233,239 -0.08% +4.01%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 51.66% -1.45% +4.55%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 208,013 +1.03% +21.19% +109.68%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,452,802 -0.52% -2.09%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,502,801 +0.56% +3.94%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 59 +5.36% -13.24%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 498,737 +0.25% +8.00%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 131,158 -2.43% +12.06%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 26.30% -2.67% +3.74%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 305,941 +0.30% +71.95%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 86,695 -3.92%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 28.34% -4.20%


eBay‘s number of listings has bounced back … with a vengeance. With comic shops closed and comic conventions and flea markets not expected to return for some time, comic buyers have turned to eBay in droves. Since I started monitoring the number of listings sold in February 2016, NEVER has the number been as high as this month.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace’s number of listings grew by nearly 7.50% in the past year. I had to put the store on vacation half-way through April because I couldn’t keep up with orders on all of my marketplaces since my staff was reduced from 6 to 1. Currently, I have one employee with me and we’re now alternating shifts so I was able to open this marketplace back up on May 8th.

Comic Collector Live: CCL’s number of stores increased to 59. The number of comics listed on this marketplace dropped sharply from last month due to a large increase in the number of items sold there.

HipComic‘s number of listings grew by 8% in the past year.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have increased greatly since we started listing on there this year. Up over 70% in one year!

April 8, 2020

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #116 April 2020

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , — cyberspace steve @ 8:26 pm

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s comics section 4,776,224 -9.56% +10.99% +69.92%
Cyberspace Comics listings 136,570 +0.08% +16.30% +78.93%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 2.86% +10.83% +4.74% +5.12%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 256,068 +21.76% +23.08% +54.44%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 5.36% +34.71% +10.77% -9.13%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,175,321 +4.80% +0.66%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 24.61% +15.86% -9.30%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 74,595
My current eBay feedback (total): 167,642
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,658,004 +0.88% +6.04% +39.83%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 122,360 -0.29% +11.77% +64.16%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.38% -1.21% +5.43% +17.33%
Cyberspace Comics estimated “market share” of AtomicAvenue orders 8.54% +10.62% +23.95% +45.73%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 233,435 +0.48% +4.38%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 52.42% -0.76% +7.08%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 205,890 +0.99% +21.04% +108.13%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,460,447 +2.55% -1.56%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,488,928 +0.34% +3.76%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 56 -3.45% -16.42%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 497,506 +4.14% +6.15%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store: 134,423 +0.01% +17.15%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 27.02% -3.98% +10.37%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in Bonanza’s Comics section 305,022 +8.50% +74.03%
Number of listings in the Cyberspace Comics Bonanza storefront section 90,232 -2.90%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on Bonanza 29.58% -10.49%


eBay‘s number of listings has plummeted by nearly 10% from last month due to the largest comic seller (MCS) on eBay exiting the marketplace. They have stopped shipping orders currently, due to mandates in their state regarding their efforts to reduce the spread of Covid-19. On a similar note, the 4th largest comic seller (NK) has notified me that they’re also not shipping orders BUT, they have left all their listings up on eBay. My own state has mandated that the number of on-site employees has to be reduced to just me. It has been an enormous undertaking to continue processing all of these orders by myself and I’ve had to increase my processing time for many of my ebay listings to two-day handling (where it was previously “same day” handling). I’m very grateful to all of my customers who have been understanding about that.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace’s number of listings grew by nearly 5% in the past year.

Comic Collector Live: CCL’s number of stores has dropped to 56. This is down from 101 stores in May 2016.

HipComic‘s number of listings grew by more than 4% in just one month. If they can keep up that momentum, they’ll be an enormous marketplace.

Bonanza‘s number of listings have increased greatly since we started listing on there this year. Up over 74% in one year!

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