Cyberspace Comics market report, reviews and more

July 12, 2023

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #154 July 2023

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 9,416,712 -0.10% +112.62% +8,478.43%
Cyberspace Comics listings 167,123 +0.37% +14.23% +52.25%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 1.77% +0.00% -46.22% -33.53%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 289,276 -8.23% +17.49% +72.57%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 3.07% -8.03% -44.75% -24.71%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,525,204 -3.08% +18.84% +33.50%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 16.20% -3.01% -44.11% -41.74%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 104,659
My current eBay feedback (total): 253,369
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,785,287 +0.92% -2.26% +16.15%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 145,327 +0.63% +13.99% +42.94
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 8.14% -0.24% +16.62% +23.15%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 265,147 +0.68% +4.27% +3.11%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 54.81% -0.04% +9.31% +39.08%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 245,513 +0.14% +2.65% +48.77%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,306,347 +0.33% -3.14% -11.29%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,863,819 +0.18% +2.81% +23.30%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 44 -4.35% -6.38% -39.73%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,372,621 +13.93% +5.18% +178.46%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 159,357 -0.99% +23.89% +48.94%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 11.61% -13.10% +17.75% -46.52%
Number of Stores on HipComic 387 +3.75%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings on YouSellComics 2,822 +7.14%


eBay‘s number of listings has exceeded 9 million. That’s an incredible selection! The stats on their auction listings intrigue me. eBay initially launched as all auctions and now, auctions only a bit more than 3% of their listings in the comics section.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace now boasts a selection of over a quarter million different comics. That’s pretty impressive! This is a marketplace that flies under the radar.

Comic Collector Live: To me, it seems like this marketplace is in trouble. The number of items for sale has shrunk by over 10% in the past five years, while every other major marketplace has shown major gains in that same time period. And, during that time period, they’ve lost 40% of their sellers.

HipComic: This marketplace is showing moderate gains in the past year but the explosive growth of its earlier years are behind them now, it seems. Surely, losing their perfect eBay sync was a major blow that some sellers just haven’t been able to overcome yet.

YouSellComics: This is a marketplace that has caught my eye. They offer extremely low selling fees.

June 14, 2023

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #153 June 2023

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 9,425,823 +1.14% +38.62% +132.52%
Cyberspace Comics listings 166,515 +1.17% +14.33% +50.56%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 1.77% -0.19% -17.45% -35.29%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 315,223 +1.09% +7.14% +101.50%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 3.34% -0.17% -22.77% -13.36%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,573,672 -2.01% +18.80% +34.39%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 16.70% -3.10% -14.30% -42.21%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 103,920
My current eBay feedback (total): 251,192
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,769,031 +1.96% +3.20% +15.69%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 144,415 +1.35% +13.14% +41.54
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 8.16% -0.57% +9.72% +22.39%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 263,363 +0.87% +4.10% +1.72%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 54.83% +0.49% +8.69% +39.14%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 245,164 +0.27% +2.65% +50.51%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,302,049 +0.53% -3.02% -11.07%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,858,591 +0.21% +2.89% +23.45%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 46 +0.00% -4.17% -35.21%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,204,816 +2.17% +8.31% +143.58%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 160,946 +1.25% +13.47% +49.29%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 13.36% -0.90% +4.77% -38.72%
Number of Stores on HipComic 373 +1.08%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings on YouSellComics 2,634 +7.69%


eBay‘s number of listings has exceeded 9 million. That’s an incredible selection! The stats on their auction listings intrigue me. eBay initially launched as all auctions and now, auctions only represent less than 3.50% of their listings in the comics section.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace now boasts a selection of over a quarter million different comics. That’s pretty impressive! This is a marketplace that flies under the radar.

Comic Collector Live: The number of items for sale on this marketplace continues to shrink. It’s down over 10% in the past five years, while every other major marketplace has shown major gains in that same time period.

HipComic: This marketplace is showing moderate gains in the past year but the explosive growth of its earlier years are behind them now, it seems. Surely, losing their perfect eBay sync was a major blow that some sellers just haven’t been able to overcome yet.

YouSellComics: This is a marketplace that has caught my eye. They offer extremely low selling fees.

May 10, 2023

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #152 May 2023

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 9,319,342 +2.00% +97.11% +134.95%
Cyberspace Comics listings 164,596 +1.66% +15.13% +48.02%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 1.77% -0.22% -41.52% -36.92%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 311,823 -2.15% +7.58% +90.10%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 3.35% -4.13% -45.42% -19.18%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,605,936 +0.01% +9.85% +34.33%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 17.23% -1.92% -44.27% -42.83%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 103,125
My current eBay feedback (total): 248,843
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,734,968 +0.67% +0.70% +17.76%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 142,493 +1.56% +11.91% +39.32
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 8.21% +0.90% +11.14% +18.34%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 261,100 +0.58% +3.30% +1.49%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 54.57% +0.97% +8.32% +37.29%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 244,516 +0.39% +2.51% +52.22%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,295,180 -0.03% -3.18% -11.48%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,852,592 +0.26% +2.97% +23.75%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 46 -2.13% -4.17% -34.29%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,179,188 +0.96% +2.21% +141.69%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 158,961 +1.59% +17.19% +46.55%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 13.48% +0.60% +14.63% -39.36%
Number of Stores on HipComic 369 -2.64%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings on YouSellComics 2,446 +4.40%


eBay‘s number of listings has exceeded 9 million. That’s an incredible selection! The stats on their auction listings intrigue me. eBay initially launched as all auctions and now, auctions only represent less than 4% of their listings in the comics section.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace now boasts a selection of over a quarter million different comics. That’s pretty impressive! This is a marketplace that flies under the radar.

Comic Collector Live: The number of items for sale on this marketplace continues to shrink. It’s down over 10% in the past five years, while every other major marketplace has shown major gains in that same time period. This month they lost yet another seller. It makes me wonder why sellers continue to jump ship over there.

HipComic: This marketplace is showing moderate gains in the past year but the explosive growth of its earlier years are behind them now, it seems. Surely, losing their perfect eBay sync was a major blow that some sellers just haven’t been able to overcome yet.

YouSellComics: This is a marketplace that has caught my eye. They offer extremely low selling fees.

April 12, 2023

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #151 April 2023

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 9,136,969 +0.71% +33.16% +132.49%
Cyberspace Comics listings 161,904 +0.10% +13.00% +52.14%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 1.77% -0.45% -15.22% -34.61%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 318,661 +1.74% +14.97% +107.57%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 3.49% +1.09% -13.67% -10.80%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,605,816 +39.97% -0.90% +36.16%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 17.57% +38.93% -25.59% -41.44%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 102,288
My current eBay feedback (total): 246,238
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,723,455 +1.69% +0.39% +10.62%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 140,299 +1.13% +10.04% +36.34%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 8.14% -0.60% +9.56% +23.16%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 259,592 +1.18% +2.95% +0.67%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 54.05% -0.06% +6.87% +35.42%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 243,565 +0.43% +2.28% +52.90%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,295,632 +0.82% -5.18% -11.34%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,845,120 +0.21% +3.01% +23.86%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 47 +0.00% -2.08% -32.86%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,168,015 +0.99% +6.23% +114.58%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 156,480 +0.64% +17.67% +48.53%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 13.40% -0.32% +10.81% -30.76%
Number of Stores on HipComic 379 -0.52%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings on YouSellComics 2,343 +104.09%


eBay‘s number of listings has exceeded 9 million. That’s an incredible selection!

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace now boasts a selection of over a quarter million different comics. That’s pretty impressive! This is a marketplace that flies under the radar.

Comic Collector Live: The number of items for sale on this marketplace continues to shrink. It’s down over 10% in the past five years, while every other major marketplace has shown major gains in that same time period.

HipComic: This marketplace is showing moderate gains in the past year but the explosive growth if its earlier years are behind them now, it seems.

YouSellComics: This is a marketplace that has caught my eye. They offer extremely low selling fees. It appears others are catching on, too – their number of listings have doubled in the past month.

March 8, 2023

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #150 March 2023

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 8:51 pm

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 9,072,156 +2.57% +36.36% +132.32%
Cyberspace Comics listings 161,739 +0.31% +14.52% +51.13%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 1.78% -2.04% -15.91% -34.93%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 313,209 +3.80% +18.54% +78.27%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 3.45% +1.24% -13.04% -23.28%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,147,244 -3.74% -27.39% +3.44%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 12.65% -6.12% -46.75% -55.47%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 101,399
My current eBay feedback (total): 243,406
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,694,814 -1.95% -1.38% +10.67%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 138,737 -0.07% +10.15% +34.64%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 8.19% +1.94% +11.68% +21.63%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 256,560 +0.05% +2.42% -0.08%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 54.08% -0.12% +7.55% +34.75%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 242,521 +0.19% +2.03% +53.47%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,285,070 +0.29% -5.70% -12.75%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,839,020 +0.24% +3.15% +24.03%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 47 -4.08% -4.08% -33.80%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,156,521 +3.15% +7.81% +112.70%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 155,487 +0.38% +25.48% +46.82%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 13.44% -2.72% +16.40% -30.98%
Number of Stores on HipComic 381 +3.81%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings on YouSellComics 1,148


eBay‘s number of listings has exceeded 9 million. That’s an incredible selection!

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace now boasts a selection of over a quarter million different comics. That’s pretty impressive! This is a marketplace that flies under the radar.

Comic Collector Live: The number of items for sale on this marketplace continues to shrink. It’s down over 10% in the past five years, while every other marketplace has shown major gains in that same time period.

HipComic: This marketplace is showing moderate gains in the past year.

YouSellComics: This is a marketplace that has caught my eye. They offer extremely low selling fees.

February 8, 2023

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #149 February 2023

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:29 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 8,844,825 +92.25% +40.83% +129.54%
Cyberspace Comics listings 161,237 +2.87% +14.42% +51.90%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 1.82% -46.54% -18.62% -33.71%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 301,730 +9.16% +20.57% +92.76%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 3.41% -43.24% -14.29% -15.98%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,191,835 -0.21% -20.39% +13.38%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 13.47% -48.09% -43.48% -50.61%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 100,619
My current eBay feedback (total): 240,742
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,728,511 +0.18% +1.47% +15.00%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 138,833 +2.46% +10.41% +34.69%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 8.03% +2.32% +8.83% +17.08%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 256,436 +0.76% +2.92% +0.41%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 54.14% +1.69% +7.27% +34.14%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 242,068 +0.17% +2.02% +54.76%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,281,302 +0.55% -5.74% -13.11%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,832,147 +0.21% +3.23% +24.12%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 49 +0.00% +4.26% -34.67%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,121,229 -20.99% +4.82% +132.28%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 154,902 +2.83% +18.43% +47.47%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 13.82% +30.09% +12.96% -36.51%
Number of Stores on HipComic 367 +0.00%


eBay‘s reported number of listings seems to be showing everything again. This number is approaching 9 million. That’s an incredible selection! Since last month’s report, we earned our new eBay feedback star for exceeding a feedback score of 100,000.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace now boasts a selection of over a quarter million different comics. That’s pretty impressive! This is a marketplace that flies under the radar.

Comic Collector Live: The number of items for sale on this marketplace continues to shrink. It’s down over 10% in the past five years, while every other marketplace has shown major gains in that same time period.

HipComic: Last month, MHC added all their listings back to this marketplace but this month, NK has removed all of their listings. This has helped drop their number of listings by 20% from last month.

January 11, 2023

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #148 January 2023

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 4,600,719 +52.37% -24.40% +20.79%
Cyberspace Comics listings 156,750 +1.57% +12.59% +47.77%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 3.41% -33.33% +48.78% +22.56%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 276,412 -9.54% +12.03% +85.96%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 6.01% -40.63% +48.35% +54.05%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,194,306 -23.89% -16.19% +18.23%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 25.96% -50.05% +10.84% -2.11%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 99,859
My current eBay feedback (total): 238,412
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,725,476 -2.08% +0.02% +16.73%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 135,494 +1.41% +8.51% +32.59%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.85% +3.60% +8.46% +13.64%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 254,500 -0.67% +2.34% +0.12%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 53.24% +2.09% +6.03% +32.44%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 241,659 +0.20% +2.09% +56.37%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,274,355 -1.60% -6.66% -14.82%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,826,151 +0.24% +3.36% +24.32%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 49 -2.00% +8.89% -33.78%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,419,063 +46.76% +32.61% +260.25%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 150,638 +7.38% +33.65% +43.49%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 10.62% -26.84% +0.81% -60.17%
Number of Stores on HipComic 367 +1.10%


eBay‘s reported number of listings continues to spike and dip. I suspect that they’re not reporting suppressed listings in that number – so, the data they’re reporting is inaccurate (and, as the algorithm changes, the reported numbers vary wildly). There are many more listings on that marketplace than they’re acknowledging. This is throwing off many of the numbers I report, as well as the 1-month, 1-year and 5-year changes.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace now boasts a selection of over a quarter million different comics. That’s pretty impressive! This is a marketplace that flies under the radar.

Comic Collector Live: The number of items for sale on this marketplace continues to shrink. It’s down over 10% in the past five years, while every other marketplace has shown gains in that same time period.

HipComic: One of the largest comic dealers in the world had added all of their listings back to this marketplace, spiking the numbers. We had to give up on the Hip sync – it just was unreliable for too long. So, we switched gears on how we create listings on this marketplace. As of this month, we now have our historic highest number of listings there (over 150,000!).

December 14, 2022

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #147 December 2022

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 3,019,381 +0.31% -50.93% -22.19%
Cyberspace Comics listings 154,323 +1.90% +11.33% +45.70%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 5.11% +1.61% +127.16% +87.91%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 305,576 +2.48% +18.73% +57.99%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 10.12% +2.12% +142.12% +103.22%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,569,158 -1.49% +11.21% +58.19%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 51.97% -1.80% +126.64% +103.32%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 99,163
My current eBay feedback (total): 236,229
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,762,193 +0.73% +2.58% +20.61%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 133,607 +1.09% +7.74% +30.32%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.58% +0.42% +5.01% +8.00%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 256,221 +0.55% +4.01% +1.40%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 52.15% +0.53% +3.59% +28.53%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 241,172 +0.19% +2.03% +58.46%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,295,053 +0.46% -5.84% -13.32%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,819,428 +0.24% +3.51% +24.48%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 50 +2.04% +8.70% -29.58%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 966,938 -22.20% -0.91% +307.62%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 140,282 +19.19% +265.29% +33.83%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 14.51% +53.20% +268.22% -67.17%
Number of Stores on HipComic 363 -2.94%


eBay‘s reported number of listings has dropped sharply. I suspect that they’re not reporting suppressed listings in that number – so, the data they’re reporting is inaccurate. There are way more listings on that marketplace than they’re acknowledging. This is throwing off many of the numbers I report, as well as the 1-month, 1-year and 5-year changes.

Atomic Avenue: This marketplace now boasts a selection of over a quarter million different comics. That’s pretty impressive! This is a marketplace that flies under the radar.

Comic Collector Live: The number of stores is starting to turn around – up nearly 10% in the past year.

HipComic: Their number of listings took a massive hits this month. One of the largest comic dealers in the world had added all of their listings to this platform recently and now they have nothing available. I’m unsure if this is a permanent change or if they’re just reconfiguring some things on their end. Time will tell. In the meantime, the Hip sync has almost brought in all of our eBay listings – only off by about 10%, now.

November 9, 2022

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #146 November 2022

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 3,010,120 -36.06% -50.49% -22.24%
Cyberspace Comics listings 151,451 +1.18% +9.92% +44.06%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 5.03% +58.22% +121.65% +84.98%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 298,181 +4.09% +20.08% +92.11%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 9.91% +62.66% +142.79% +147.03%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,592,869 +13.74% +10.07% +74.79%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 52.92% +77.87% +122.34% +124.80%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 98,471
My current eBay feedback (total): 226,920
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 1,749,472 -39.54% +5.50% +18.05%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 132,163 +1.43% +8.85% +29.12%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 7.55% +67.88% +3.2% +9.338%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 254,816 +0.88% +8.58% +1.28%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 51.87% +0.55% +0.24% +27.50%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 240,707 +0.16% +1.95% +59.37%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,289,105 +0.33% -6.29% -15.72%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,812,563 +0.23% +3.74% +24.47%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 49 +0.00% +4.26% -33.78%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,242,924 +0.08% +19.20% +440.36%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 117,694 -4.95% -4.18% +13.16%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 9.47% -5.02% -19.62% -79.06%


eBay‘s reported number of listings has dropped sharply. I suspect that they’re not reporting suppressed listings in that number – so, the data they’re reporting is inaccurate. There are way more listings on that marketplace than they’re acknowledging. This is throwing off many of the numbers I report, as well as the 1-month, 1-year and 5-year changes.

Atomic Avenue: The number of listings on this marketplace dropped sharply. I suspect they were inaccurately reporting their numbers in previous months and are now back to accurate figures.

Comic Collector Live: The number of stores has dropped by over 30% in the past five years while seeing an increase in their members by nearly 60% in the same time.

HipComic continues to struggle with their eBay sync. It’s currently causing a disparity between the number of listings in my eBay store and the number of listings in my HipComic store by over 30,000 listings (last week was off by 20,000). Sadly, there appears to be no solution in sight so I suspect this disparity will be prolonged. This used to be a marketplace that I would highly recommend but, until they work these problems out, I can no longer point fellow sellers in their directions because these sync problems could end up causing disruptions to a seller’s eBay store, as well.

October 12, 2022

Cyberspace Comics Market Report #145 October 2022

Filed under: Cyberspace Comics Market Report — Tags: , , , , — cyberspace steve @ 10:00 am

I started selling comics full-time in 2010 and wanted to track my progress against the online back issue markets. Here’s a look at the current comics aftermarket and my progress in achieving my goal of becoming a prominent back issue dealer.

one month change one year change five year change
Listings in eBay’s Comic Books, Manga & Memorabilia section 4,707,495 +0.66% -21.42% +23.59%
Cyberspace Comics listings 149,690 +0.79% +11.11% +43.67%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on eBay 3.18% -0.01% +41.33% +12.76%
Number of eBay comic listings that are auctions 286,457 -3.77% +18.02% +101.73%
Percentage of eBay comic listings up for auction 6.09% -4.47% +50.25% +63.14%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section (90 days) 1,400,440 +6.11% -5.03% +99.64%
Number of listings sold in eBay’s comics section divided by current listings 29.75% +5.42% +20.83% +61.50%

Total number of listings in eBay’s “comics” section

My current eBay feedback (unique): 97,836
My current eBay feedback (total): 232,512
My positive eBay feedback score: 100%

one month change one year change five year change
Listings on Atomic Avenue 2,893,739 +5.10% +69.34% +93.55%
Listings in the Cyberspace Comics Store on Atomic Avenue 130,301 +0.72% +8.92% +27.80%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on AtomicAvenue 4.50% -4.19% -35.67% -33.98%
Number of unique issues on Atomic Avenue 252,596 -1.72% +3.58% +0.90%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of unique issues on AtomicAvenue 51.58% +2.49% +5.15% +26.65%

Total number of comics listed on Atomic Avenue
one month change one year change five year change
Number of members on ComicCollectorLive 240,321 +0.21% +1.92% +60.06%
Number of items for sale on ComicCollectorLive 1,284,867 -1.39% -6.49% -16.46%
Number of items sold on ComicCollectorLive 2,806,237 +0.25% +3.81% +24.69%
Number of stores open on ComicCollectorLive 49 +2.08% +2.08% -30.99%
one month change one year change five year change
Number of listings in HipComic’s Comic Books section 1,241,879 +0.89% +34.44% +433.74%
Number of those listings that are in the Cyberspace Comics HipComic store 123,818 -10.69% -2.67% +20.08%
Cyberspace Comics “market share” of comic listings on HipComic 9.97% -11.45% -27.59% -77.50%


eBay‘s reported number of listings is now removing suppressed listings and I’m now unable to find a way to add those back in to their total so from now on we’re going to go with their reported number. I know they are suppressing listings from this number because a prominent comic dealer (NK) had their reported figure drop substantially. They are known for listing multiple copies of the same book in a lot of different grades. A search in their store for Action 687 returns four results but, there is a small notation in their eBay store that they actually have 48 results for that search. I do not see a way to display all 48 results, though. Naturally, with a different method of calculating their number of listings now being used, our numbers are going to show some major swings over previous dates. Eventually, this will normalize.

Atomic Avenue: The number of listings on this marketplace increased by 70% in the past month. That’s an incredible increase – almost impossibly so. To make things even more odd, the number of unique available issues only increased by 3.58% in the past year. It’ll be interesting, over the next few months, to see how these numbers continue.

Comic Collector Live: The number of stores has dropped by over 30% in the past five years while seeing an increase in their members by over 60% in the same time.

HipComic continues to struggle with their eBay sync. It’s currently causing a disparity between the number of listings in my eBay store and the number of listings in my HipComic store by over 20,000 listings! Sadly, there appears to be no solution in sight so I suspect this disparity will be prolonged. This used to be a marketplace that I would highly recommend but, until they work these problems out, I can no longer point fellow sellers in their directions because these sync problems could end up causing disruptions to your eBay store, as well.

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